Out with the old in with the new!!

Surley the cons outweigh the pros tho ? So ok your going to save £100 a month but your going from a awesome hot hatch to a polo with an underpowered deisel engine. I think £100 is well worth the upgrade :p

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chopchop said:
blah blah blah...... :rolleyes:

its all about running costs... a petrol car just drinks and drinks, where a diesel does not. if it was to save £20 a week on fuel, then thats 20 better saved up or spent on something else.

Whats 25 quid a week on fuel when the car itself is what, TEN THOUSAND QUID?

Its like people who chose their 7 grand supermini based on the tax band - OMG I'll buy car X for £7995 becuase it will save £40 a year in tax :rolleyes:
[TW]Fox said:
I don't understand why you are doing this, it strikes me that you've not sat down and thought about it.

The saving you will make from owning a diesel will never make up for the cost of changing your car.
When you leave the comfort of Mummy and Daddy putting a roof over your head, £100 a month can be a lot of money.
djbenjo said:
When you leave the comfort of Mummy and Daddy putting a roof over your head, £100 a month can be a lot of money.

Too damn right.

Some people really come out with some rubbish. There is far more to life than running a car, a lot of people on here don't see that though.
djbenjo said:
When you leave the comfort of Mummy and Daddy putting a roof over your head, £100 a month can be a lot of money.

If its that much of an issue you won't have 10 grand to splash on a car, will you?

I appreciate £100 is a LOT of cash to some people - but those people can't normally afford Clio Trophys :)
As I have said before, I have saved £100 a month Plus+ I have saved money in running costs, around £80 in terms of fuel a month. That works out around £2200 a year.

The Trophy also is group 17 and in the highest Road Tax bracket. Works out at over £650 to insure a year when the 1.4 TDi I can get for little over £280.

Residuals on French made cars are rediculously poor. You have to keep the music on at all times to combat rattles due to Renault build quality. Due to the stiffened suspension on the Trophy there are people are complaining about this more and more..

I did enjoy the performance of the car, but it was very rare I needed to use it. I have Speed camera's on nearly every road I use to get to work. Where can I enjoy the car's "performance".

I drive into London to work, ok the drive in to work in the morning is fine but driving home, I average around 20 miles an hour.

The Polo Dune is a really nice car. Comes with everything that the top of the range 1.9TDI Sport Polo is equipped with and retails new at £13,700. I love the look of the Dune.. it funky!! ;)

I am buying the car off a friend and I am getting it at a very very good price. The residuals are good due to the high specification, and the build quality is ....VW..which says it all

Mine is black as seen in this pic*


You can keep your Petrol guzzling beasts and race past me at 100 miles an hour.. I'll be happily ambaling along.

Another saving grace is that I won't have every chav in his racing wheel barrow wanting to do me at the lights :rolleyes: ... becomes annoying in the end.

Having owned most of the mk2 RS clio's, I can safely say that they are without a shadow of a doubt the most underrated car on the road. Frighteningly fast with superb handling. Now however, Im all about cheap motoring as I would like to utilise my money in other area's of my life.
djbenjo said:
Fox, you don't have a clue, honestly.

Then enlighten me.

Way I see it you are all trying to tell me that when you are hard up, 100 quid is a lot of money. I understand this.

My point is that the original poster blatantly isn't hard up, as he's going to spend a five figure amount on a VW Polo. That's not what you do when you are skint - its what you do when you are financially comfortable.

I find it simply astounding you can even give a damn what road tax bracket a car of this value is in. If you've got this sort of money to spend on a car then who really cares if your tax is 50 quid a year cheaper? I mean, huh?
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If the guy is buying outright, then fair enough, but I should imagine it will be on some form of HP as are most cars.

The fact he is paying £x per month towards his HP doesn't change, he does not feel the financial loss. He doesn't physically loose say £2,000 in his cost to change, he pays this for a little longer on his HP, meanwhile he has £100 per month extra to spend on other things, such as food, rent, bills etc.
I am actually spending a 4 figure amount on the Polo.. but thats besides the point. I am trying to save money to buy another property. I have had my time of spending money on cars that depriciate when I can put that money to better use and earn from it!!

Believe me, the extra money I free up can be utilised far more effectively than driving "fast" to work, because essentailly that all I use my cars for!!!
djbenjo said:
The fact he is paying £x per month towards his HP doesn't change, he does not feel the financial loss. He doesn't physically loose say £2,000 in his cost to change, he pays this for a little longer on his HP, meanwhile he has £100 per month extra to spend on other things, such as food, rent, bills etc.

If you think in the short term, which most people do.

Think long term, look at the big picture and the total cost of x years and you'll see the difference is much less than you'd think.

I made the same mistake myself when I bought my first car - OMG, diesel will save me money! It saved me about 300 quid. I probably paid that in the extra cost of a diesel over the petrol equivilents... sure, I liked the power delivery style and if I could find another diesel at the price I want I'd do it again but NOT for the financial reasons becuase IMHO they are over-rated, but there we go.
As i said in another thread, an extreme example but what do you think djbenjo if i were to argue that you could run a 1997 BMW 728i over average miles, for the average driver, for less than a brand new depreciation disaster as almost all new cars are.

Its not about monthly costs, if it is then i suggest you and anyone else here take a night course on how to manage money. I am 20 and run a detached house on my own, i know what monthly bills are, and i know that yearly money in, must be greater than yearly money out, whether this money seeps away slowly running a depreciation disaster or rented car, or whatever, it doesnt matter?
You example doesn't relate in any way to the OPs situation; the Clio will depreciate more than the VW.

Why do you have the option to pay your insurance monthly? Why do people pay for their cars monthly? Do you honestly think 'The phone bill will be £1027 this year, best make sure I have enough cash' Or do you accomodate for the fact your quaterly phonebill will come out of this months salary?
Thea amount lost in owning the new car is only apparent when it comes to selling. Running to BMW comes out of the money in your bank, there is a massive difference.
djbenjo said:
You example doesn't relate in any way to the OPs situation; the Clio will depreciate more than the VW.

I disagree. The Clio in question is a limited edition Trophy model - only a small amount were produced.

Even the regular versions of the 172/182 do not depreciate as heavily as regular Supermini's. Consider this example.

Lets take two cars - a 2001/51 Clio 172 and a 2001/51 Polo 1.4 TDi SE. This should give us reasonable grounds for comparison and allow us to assume a worst case scenario depreciation for the cars in this thread..

assuming 40k miles...

Clio 172: £7295 dealer
Polo: £4945 dealer

Not only is the Polo's residual value lower, it is also CONSIDERABLY lower.

What are your grounds for saying the Polo will depreciate less than a Clio 182 Trophy? I suspect its an assumption based on VW's reputation for solid residuals but I stand to be corrected..
In the event of the clio having higher depreciation than the VW then indeed fox is incorrect and changing will save money in the long term, and indeed my scenario is irrelevent.

I was however under the impression that maybe the clio would have taken the brunt of its depreciation now, and that the OP was looking at getting an almost brand new supermini, which would in usual circumstances stand to lose a huge amount of money?

As for the monthly thing, i dont really budget at all. My salary comes in every month, as do other earnings, and bills are all automatic. My bank balance does differ and will sometimes go several hundred overdrawn for periods of time if something massive has been paid, but in the long term its pretty flat. I have simply got it balanced so that i know that on average my outgoings will not exceed my incoming cash - seems to work and it doesnt matter when the money goes in and out, as long as at year end its all evened out?
Fox, you have used the top of the range Clio "The 172" and mid range Polo. 1.4 SE

There is no way on Gods Earth that Renaults have better residuals than VW..that is absolute rubbish...
-|ScottFree|- said:
Fox, you have used the top of the range Clio "The 172" and mid range Polo. 1.4 SE

I've picked the closest I could find to a) Your Clio and b) Your new Polo that were available to buy a 2001 - so a 172 and a 1.4 TDI SE - the highest specification 1.4 TDI Polo available at that time.

There is no way on Gods Earth that Renaults have better residuals than VW..that is absolute rubbish...

Why? Becuase someone once said 'omg, VW residuals are awesome'?

Whilst its true that there is no possible way a Renault Clio 1.2 will have better residuals than a Polo, I would have thought you of all people would appreciate how your Trophy was different from most Renaults.

It's the pinnacle of the RenaultSport Clio range over the years - the best example, it's rare, it was a limited edition, can you not see what sort of effect that will have on residuals?

Look at other Sporty Clio's - how much do you need for a good Clio Williams? A fortune - miles more than ANY similar aged Polo, Clio, or whatever. How much does a good 172 Mk1 go for? £5k - up to TWICE what a regular model of the same age would cost..
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