Overclock check please

16 Jan 2011
Ok so attempted my first overclock today which I thought had gone ok but not so sure I have a screen print for you to take a look at I ran prime 95 for 4 hours with 0 errors so I think thats all good.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

My concern is the core speed that shows 4490 which I suppose is right I was expecting 4500 dead on as most of the examples I have seen/watched where reading 4500. If im being picky I will get back in my box lol. But if anyone can see any other glaring problems with my overclock please let me know many thanks.

If it is ok Im wanting to try to 4.6ghz.
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The image is far too small for comfortable reading.

Anyway, if you're looking for as close to dead on 4500MHz as you can get disable spread spectrum in the BIOS.
Of cause it is but if you set it to 100 you get 98.8.
Set it to 10010 in the bios you get 100.1 ;)

I don't get it why do you only get 98.8 if you set it to 100.

I assume he meant 99.8 which is what you get now.

If you've disabled spread spectrum and still get 99.8 then the clock generator (or whatever it's called these days) is slightly off.
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