Overclocked Orange

This has to be one of the coolest custom builds ive seen so far.
The look on the interviewers face when you say you blew up two cards, *the f' is he talking about?*
...wow...best ive seen in a long time, hate the over the top gaming cases, this has style and looks that cant be equaled.
Nice work.
Effort well spent.
p.s. why is orange one of the hardest to find colours in fans/lights/plastics? Its the best against black! lol
Amazing build I have to say, also I'm a clockwork orange nut as well so you can imagine how well this goes down in my books :)

One question about the sli setup, what connectors are you using as I'm in the market for watercooling my gtx280 setup also.
** Final Update - Finishing Touches/Upgrades **

Being a bit of a perfectionist, I decided to replace those horrid orange (pink) Akasa DayGlo SATA cables. I managed to find some rounded, black and short (30cm) SATA cables. They blend into the background and you can hardly see them... much neater.



The biggest upgrade so far is the installation of 3x Intel 80GB SSD drives. I was a little sceptical at first, however, the sheer performance boost of these three drives in RAID0 has simply blown me away!


Check out the ATTO I/O results below :cool:


I also ordered a StarTech.com backplane from the States for the SSD's. It holds up to 4x 2.5" HDD's in a single 5 1/4" bay! It's hot-swappable and lockable too. The quality, features and ease of installation of the make this a great addition to the case.




Finally, I wanted to replace the 3x ugly 5 1/4" drive bay blanking plates and add some active cooling for the Samsung F1's mounted behind.

I fitted a Scythe Kama-Bay and added another Xigmatek 120mm orange fan to match the rest of the case fans. I think the front of the case looks much better now!


Anyway, this build is finally finished, I honestly can't think of anything left to do now. Time to move on to my next build... case on it's way (Cosmos S) :-)

A couple of final benchies:


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That 2.5" drive holder you've got is great!! Best solution I think Ive seen for housing SSD's! Getting some beasty read times too, im impressed! But would hope to be for the cost of those 3 haha.

Can I ask about the fan controller you have? Is it a Sunbeam Rheobus? And how have you made it black, as in is it powder coated, sprayed etc. Looking at getting one myself but dont like all the writing and such on the front
That 2.5" drive holder you've got is great!! Best solution I think Ive seen for housing SSD's! Getting some beasty read times too, im impressed! But would hope to be for the cost of those 3 haha.

Can I ask about the fan controller you have? Is it a Sunbeam Rheobus? And how have you made it black, as in is it powder coated, sprayed etc. Looking at getting one myself but dont like all the writing and such on the front

You got it... sunbeam/powder coated glossy black. ;)
Awesome build. One of the best i've ever seen.

The biggest upgrade so far is the installation of 3x Intel 80GB SSD drives. I was a little sceptical at first, however, the sheer performance boost of these three drives in RAID0 has simply blown me away!

Why did you go for the Intel SSD? The samsungs seem to have better specs?
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