Overclockers UK @ The Gadget Show Live

How many of those criticising the hot girls wont gawk? It's a bit of light hearted fun to get buyers pulses racing (Ooo-er! :D) Gonna be a few green-eyed OcUk WAGS.

On topic, gutted I'm not going to this years especially now OcUk are there.
The stand was pretty decent, a few nice shiny things to look at and I thought it made a fairly good statement for the company. Gibbo was there and gave me the obligatory 'goody' bag, which if you didn't get one, don't worry, it's just rubbish, the best thing in there is an Intel pen ...there were some weird rubber things with Saphire printed on them too ...I really have no idea what they are ...they look vaguely sexual though :o

The rest of the show had some interesting stuff to look at, but all in all it was smaller than I expected tbh. I don't think it was really worth the 16 pounds you eventually pay to get in ...plus 8 pounds for parking. I would say if you miss the Gadget Show this year, don't worry about what you might have missed ...not all that much tbh. It was something different for a few hours anyway.

I know what I said before about the girls being tacky, and they are, and of course OcUK didn't have any today, as I knew. But a couple of other companies there did and one or two of them were ...very nice indeed. It didn't make me want to buy their products but it did make me nearly colide with a chap in a wheel chair (who I think was also having a gawp) while I was walking past and gawping at one young oriental lady. So the use of girls at these events could very well have made me part with my money ...in a lawsuit brought by the disabled chap after I ended up disabling him some more! ...fortunately evasive action by both of us prevented any such badness unfolding.
The show was a bit more low-key than previous years regarding suppliers, possibly a casualty of the recession and if you are hunting freebies then a pen & lanyard are about par for the course this year along with the occasional pieces of blackpool rock and Haribos.

The 3D printing people were giving away 3D printed objects (like a duck, whistle etc) and that is about it.

It was £5 each for a go of the Top Gear Experience simulator and was £5 each for a Gadget Show printed guide.

There was a good RC car stall which were offering for sale RC car that was clocked at 50mph buzzing around the place for £100 on the day. Dion Dublin was there with his "Dubes" percussion instrument which were well worth having a go on and a peek at Sumvision stand offering cyclone media players for £30+ are recommended too

Personally we enjoyed seeing OcUK down there as a local company and the stand is VERY impressive, plus Sony were offering demos to see yourself in 3D which was good and a retro gaming stall offering old original arcade games you could play too.
Finally made it home :) Last year seemed to be a lot more of look what is to come but today felt much more look at what you could have. I would put it down to the recession and last year roughly fitted with lauches of things (mainly thinking reasonably prices 3d tv's and more a host of tablets) Mix it with less demo's to mess with and the live show not being so good really wasn't as good as last years. A mate came though for the first time and loved it though so maybe its just me knowing what to expect lol.

OCUK: Nice stand! Some of the stands are too small but was nicely laid out. Amused me hearing some comments about some of the watercooled pc's you had out. Though really do love that custom elysium case. Also what was the name of the racing game/sim you had on most of the day? I asked a couple of times but still can't remember :o

@ NathWraith: About the only face I managed to put to a name but was good to meet you. Playing with the wheel on the sim, think I need to come to some arrangment of slipping you some £'s to cross out anyone who goes faster than me :D
Just got home, missioned it so was there nice n early.

As has been said earlier in the thread, this years show is more of what is available now and not what is coming soon. Sadly, no gadgets left me walking away going "wow" and, if I am being hyper critical, there wasn't a lot more on display than you can already see in some big department stores or shopping malls.

The OcUK stand did really stand out though and I hope the guys working it had a good time and sold plenty.
Had a good day, took lots of pics, good to chat to 5ub again :)

What a truly epic day. Shattered now though. Spoke to a lot of cool people today met loads of forum members too. bulldog147 said hi, was good to see him and his daughter on the stand!
Othe guys there too! Good to meet you all!
Wow, that was a really nice stand you had there (going from pics on 2nd page) :-)

Got any pics of the OcUK guys/girls (staff I mean) on the stand?
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What a truly epic day. Shattered now though. Spoke to a lot of cool people today met loads of forum members too. bulldog147 said hi, was good to see him and his daughter on the stand!
Othe guys there too! Good to meet you all!

It was good to see you all & Rich too, my daughter say to me "Dad, don't buy no more stuffs from ocuk, instead buy us a hot tub bath"

that was cool. I also liked the massage chairs they had there.

it was difficult pulling myself away form the Sniper Elite V2 stand, their eyefinity setup was epic!
Was a good stand yesterday OCUK, had a go of project cars at last (my pc currently cant run it hehehe) set my fastest lap on shift2 too, dont think i was top for the day. Was half a second off the record i could see on the screen, ah well :)

Expect some custom to come OCUK's way when I upgrade my system for project cars and CS:GO in the coming months!
Oh when i pointed out to my girlfriend "look at that green liquid watercooling that pc", she replied "looks like some sort of chemical experiment going on in there" :) cool system though!
No girls on the stand today and I went past it twice :(, quickly popped in and said hello to 5UB and demanded my free stuff - never had I felt more empowered, think he was taken aback.

Had the chance to ridicule Suzie to her face on camera so Im happy :D. I seem to fancy imaginary girls :(

ps3ud0 :cool:
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There was a rather nice lady when I came past at around 09:00 although she wasn't doing a lot at the time....

Hope you all visited The Hub at some point! That's where I have been living all week. Our gadget shelf is something of fantasies :p
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