**Overclockers UK TV: Ultima 9300i Prism Gaming System**

Cause we don't mind! It's a new venture for us and personally for me doing the videos.

Looking down the barrel of a camera is harder than it sounds!

We are learning every day with it but yeah keep the comments flowing :D

I used to work in television and film some years ago and can totally relate to that. People seem to think it's dead easy to do, but it's not.
Love the vids, keep them coming :)
Looking down the barrel of a camera is harder than it sounds!

I can imagine. Wouldn't fancy it myself! Rabbit in headlights and all that.

My little brother had some close up interview filming for national telly a bit back and said it was one of the scariest things he'd ever done. Especially since it was being shown back to back with similar interview with Prince William who's had rather more practice at that kind of thing :D

Good to see OCUK venturing into the video side of things though. Maybe some time lapse epic builds would be one thing to consider.
I don't see any problem? I must have low standards for video... BUT: You wrote 7870 but also 7970 in other places.
I'm impressed, you are already making things better, the sound was much better on this video, the presenter looked confident and explained the system very well IMO.

As some have said would love to see explanations of water cooling, over clocking etc.

Good job though so far and good on the guys brave enough to stand there and do it :)
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