Overclockers UK Yearly SETI News 2003-2004

Originally posted by Feek
The tiffies and dumpers list only includes members who were already a member of The World's Finest Team™ on the 1st Jan 2003.


Ive been a member for quite a bit longer than that and im not on there :(

Never mind, soopa stats adwhitworth s'ah!


EDIT: oops dont listen to me!

yey 6th place for a single cruncher just behind Dutch Guy :D, though i think 200 odd are from last year......

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Originally posted by Mista Dave
Ive been a member for quite a bit longer than that and im not on there :(

Never mind, soopa stats adwhitworth s'ah!


EDIT: oops dont listen to me!

yey 6th place for a single cruncher just behind Dutch Guy :D, though i think 200 odd are from last year......


Read Berserker's post. You must have the same account name.
105th on the Main list and 7th on the Single crunchers list.
I'm quite pleased about that!

Referring to Turbo Tweet, I can't see how a "Single Cruncher" can have done 11195 WU's.
That's 45min/wu!! :confused:
Originally posted by si_sleaf
Nice stats there sah, except you have missed me out completely from the dumpin' list and on the tiffy list:eek: :(

Bah Humbug - Me Too :(

Guess I should read the rest of the fred before replying :(
Nice Stats Sah,

Since I've only been a member since August, didn't get too many mentions, also changed name etc...

Still look forward to next years stats. Still may be seti if they don't get Boinc sorted (still having a few probs with latest release, a way to go yet!!!!).

H'onwards and H'upwards

Lets get the Germans!! :D

Drink mo Guinness :p

Whoah, how did we make it into the top 50 :)

7700 WU's!!!

Didn't realise we were crunching that much.

Not too shabby considering we've never had more than 4 PC's crunching, and most of the year it was about 2 :)

Very nice stats Slapworth:)

And to all the tiffy winners, no visit from Spike, cos most of you have had one, plus he's a tad hung over :)


Aww, sho shoft an fwuffy:D

Lot's happened in the last year, and that just makes you realise
Awesome stats, sorta makes you realise how far we have come as a team and how much everyone individually puts down the WU's :D

Team.. we rock :cool:
adwhitworth, how come you are on the splitters list?
Nice stats, I joined yesterday and Im on them today :D
17) wayne 20576

me and needmorespeed:D

that's quite good for a single house full of computers:)
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