overclockers website running slow?

hope this helps

i have changed the ad block from adblock ultimate to ad block for fire fox, loading overclockers is a bit better but still get a white screen for 1 second before loading the page correctly

posted the wrong image find the corrected one above (notice the 3088ms ping, wtf is that about?)

uBlock Origin is the one most people recommend nowadays.

So without uBlock enabled the page makes 275 requests when you load it.

Looking at your trace and my trace the majority of the problem seems to be because of blocked requests. The shop serves the page using HTTP/1.1, I believe using HTTP/1.1 Chrome etc limit the maximum number of simultaneous requests to a domain to 6.

Roughly 265 of those 275 requests are to the overclockers.co.uk domain so your browser sends a request for the first six, then when one of them completes sends a request for the next resource, etc, until all 265 are downloaded. If any of those requests are slow to fulfil (say they're running some code server side to generate the result that takes times - a database lookup etc) it's going to massively hamper the performance of the rest of the requests still waiting.

What the shop should do is upgrade their webserver to something less archaic that supports HTTP/2.0 which is designed to better support multiplexing and should reduce the number of blocked threads.

The shop also has a tonne of javascript <script> tags in the header of the page - somewhere around 23 of them, this means the browser has to wait until all of these are downloaded and finished with what they're doing before it will render the content.

What they should do is move these into the footer of the page and ensure the critical scripts are run first so the page can load as quickly as possible, then load less important scripts like analytics tracking later.

With HTTP/1.0 they may also benefit from bundling their resources. So rather than importing 20 different javascript files and 20 different stylesheet files they could bundle them all up into a single bundle.js and single bundle.css (for example) file. Now the browser only has to make one two requests which reduces blocking for the client.

It's really basic stuff. You should pay your web/server team more overclockers :p.
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