Overclocking 3200MHz to 3400MHz ?

19 Feb 2007
Area 18, ArcCorp
Currently have Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3200MHz CL16, Is it feasible to overclock it to 3400MHz or higher ? Also what type of voltage increase am I looking at then ?
Yeah...just try it.

Some kits you can just up frequency in BIOS and everything else stays the same and it's free OC...

Some kits can pour on the voltage and get nowt

I wouldn't be afraid of 1.45v vdimm...even 1.5 for testing..(assuming 1.35v kit).1.2 sa volts..or a bit higher for testing..benching
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I've always been scared of overclocking ram since I fried some DDR Ballistix, I think I changed it from T1 to T2 or something, but whatever happened I fried it, this was like 2008.
Just Google the part number someone has bound to have tried somewhere or just tighten up the timings as what I have seen these are not the best out of the box.
I asked a similar question regarding 8Pack 3200 RAM and pushing it up to 3433, the response was "don't bother" as the extremely minute gain won't be felt anywhere other than a benchmark and even then it's hardly anything.
While it might not make "much" difference to performance..."don't bother" seems a bit of a narrow view on the matter.

People OC for all sorts of reasons...because they can...fun...benchmarking...bragging down the pub...all good.

Worth doing sometimes..especially if you can tighten timings...2T to 1T etc.
While it might not make "much" difference to performance..."don't bother" seems a bit of a narrow view on the matter.
People OC for all sorts of reasons...because they can...fun...benchmarking...bragging down the pub...all good.
Worth doing sometimes..especially if you can tighten timings...2T to 1T etc.

Yeah the response was from 8Pack of all people. you know the guy who would overclock his coffee cup if he could.

Agreed, especially with something like ryzen, where ram speeds and tightening offer nice boosts.

Check OP's spec for some context. Ryzen not applicable here.

In fact found the question as I posed it myself.....
@8 Pack I'm sorry to ask such a noob question, how would I go about getting 3600c14 on an ASUS Prime Z370-P? Currently on XMP, is it just as easy as changing the option to 3600 or is there a lot more to it than that?

Intel don't waste your time c16 to 14 offering almost nothing... 0.01% I bet...
I asked a similar question regarding 8Pack 3200 RAM and pushing it up to 3433, the response was "don't bother" as the extremely minute gain won't be felt anywhere other than a benchmark and even then it's hardly anything.
Don't bother to listen t the advice of don't bother.
I'm using 2 kits 8pack 3200 running at 3600, using timmings from the 3600 kit, but same voltage as 3200. All other timmings auto. Haven't tried tighten the timmings just yet, but running stable. A small increase in voltage won't be a problem. 1.4 or 1.45 seems fine. As far as the sticks get some decent airflow, it's fine.
Don't bother to listen t the advice of don't bother.
I'm using 2 kits 8pack 3200 running at 3600, using timmings from the 3600 kit, but same voltage as 3200. All other timmings auto. Haven't tried tighten the timmings just yet, but running stable. A small increase in voltage won't be a problem. 1.4 or 1.45 seems fine. As far as the sticks get some decent airflow, it's fine.

The 3200 and 3600 kit's are the same bin so that isn't too surprising. Re-reading my question I feel it could have been answered better, I was asking Ref 3600@CL14 not CL16 vs CL14.
I think it's possible to lower the timmings quite a bit only increasing voltage.
My experience here, going 3600 and keeping same voltage, but slightly looser timmings was a 30s job. Quite sure can improve timmings and keep 3600 slightly increasing voltage.
3000 series Ryzen and X570 board here, if helps.
Yeah the response was from 8Pack of all people. you know the guy who would overclock his coffee cup if he could.

Well, I'm reliably informed that if you hand 8 Pack a Nescafe you'll get back a Nespresso so...

I have no idea of the context but the reply is factual...you needn't "bother" if you are looking for significant gains...

But of course we "bother" for all sorts of other reasons...8 Pack being obviously aware of all of them. Sometimes a short reply doesn't allow for a page of disclaimers or caveats

No need to OC RAM for everyday computing gains...every need to OC RAM for benchmarks and AIDA scores. OC your cache too if you are looking for gains...
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