Overclocking Athlon Xp-M Help

Are you able to boot it up at multipliers less than 13x? as the only motherboards that supported 5bits FID for multiplier adjustments were some nForce2 such as the NF7 - this allows you to set any multipliers between 5x and 24x I think no matter what the default.

The KT600 would only have 4bits FID so you could only set between 5x and 12.5x on a chip with a default multiplier of less than 13x and between 13x and 24x on a chip that has a default multiplier of between 13x and 16x. The xp2500-m has a default of 14 I think?
Ventilated said:
Yes I can boot on lower than 13x and it goes up to 13.5

Are you able to lock the PCI/AGP Bus to 33/66MHz. If not and there is a divider the kicks in when it reaches 133/166/200MHz and you want 200MHz FSB try setting it to 201MHz to make sure this divider kicks in properly. I seem to remember some VIA boards had a habit of the divider not kicking in until 1MHz faster on the FSB than it was meant to.
The FSB:Memory divider is best set to 1:1 on Socket A setups without onboard graphics IMO but it probably wont slow performance down noticeably if it's running faster than the FSB.
Ventilated said:
Ok so... I dont really understand all this "divider" stuff could you explain please??

The divider for the FSB:Memory is the ratio the FSB runs the the memory such as 5:4 - then if the FSB was at 166 the RAM would run at 200MHz and the best is 1:1 - then the FSB & Memory run at the same speed.

Does your board allow you to set this divider or can you manually change the RAM to run at 100/133/166/200MHz in the BIOS?

I wasn't sure if you meant the AGP/PCI bus divider? Normally, the PCI bus runs at 33MHz and AGP runs at 66MHz. when the board reaches say 166FSB, a 1/5 is used and 200FSB a 1/6 divider should kick in, making the PCI bus run at 33MHz all the time at these standard FSB's - it's the ones in between that will run the PCI/AGP bus out of spec such as 160FSB/4=40MHz PCI / 80MHz AGP speeds.

100/3, 133/4, 166/5, 200/6=33.

The AGP Bus runs at double the speed of the PCI Bus.
Ok in the bios.. If I go to

"Advanced Chipset Features"


"DRAM Timing Control"

The things there are...

Sytem Performance Fast
Current Host Clock 163Mhz (Cant Change that)
Configure SDRAM Timing by User
SDRAM Frequency Auto
SDRAM CAS# Latency Auto
Row Precharge Time Auto
RAS Pulce Width Auto
RAS To CAS Delay Auto
Wrie Recover Cycle Auto
SDRAM Burst Length 4 QW
SDRAM 1T Command Dissabled
Fast R-2-R Turnaround Dissabled

Is it any of those??

Lol that took a while to write out
SD RAM frequency is the speed of your memory. It doesnt look like it has a divider for the memory:fsb. Host clock must be your FSB. If you cant change that maybe theres a jumper on your motherboard stopping it going over that FSB as it's quite close to 166FSB. Try setting the memory timings to slacker (like 3-3-3-6) if its cl3 memory or 2.5-3-3-6 if its cl2.5 and system performance to normal.
theres like a table on the motherboard saying



1-2 Auto 133,166,200 MHZ

2-3 100MHZ

But there is no switch :confused:

The system performace options are Fast, Turbo and Ultra

And I dont know how to change memory timings :\
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