Overclocking My Leadtek 6800TDH

15 Apr 2006
Hi everyone, I recently got a Leadtek 6800TDH. I managed to unlock all pipelines and the vertex shader through Riva Tuner. I am running stock speeds @ the moment 325/700. I have a problem overclocking my card. It seems that I cant exceed 370 on my gpu core and around 800 on my rams. Riva tuner its telling me that its not accepted or something like that . If I lock again the vertex shader, will I be able to get better overclocking on the core and rams ? And what type of clocks should I accept from my card ? I did a test on 3D Mark 06 with all the above unlocked and managed to get around 980. At the moment my cpu is P4 2.8 oc'ed to 3.2. I am using also 1GB of Wintec AMPX rams.
First of all use 3dmark 05 as a benchmark, my old 6800tdh performed rubbish on 3dmark06 as it requires 256mb cards really.
And try your best overclock with everything unlocked and with every locked and check results, you could also try voltmodding the bios to give a higher voltage to the bios, this will give it extra mhz although this could damage some cards although my leadtek used to run on 1.4v like the ultra.
On stock core voltage I would expect around 380 - voltmod to 1.4V around 425

Memory around 8-900.
My memory was preety rubbish at 810, I hear a lot of peoples memory goes well above 900, depends what NS memory you get.

All unlocked im not sure as I only had mine at 12/6
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