Overclocking query

24 Oct 2005
North East
Hi there.

Im on a amd 64 3500+ venice
geil 2gb ddr 400
asus a8v deluxe rev 2 mb 1014 bios

Ok i was first testing what the ram dividers were doing.

ram dividier 2:1 DDR 400 (was same and showing as 200 in cpuz)
ram dividier 5:3 DDR 333 (showing as 183 in cpuz)
ram dividier 3:2 DDR ??? (blank) (showing as 157 in cpuz)

Is that right so far?

I then set my pc as such

CPU - 210
HT - 4x (800)
MP 11 (not changed) (should i have lowered it?)
Ram 3:2 (157 + 10 from fsb wasnt 167 as i thought but was 165) (why and is that right?)
Vcore i upped from 1.425 to 1.475 (everest says its about 1.45 volts for the core cos asus isnt accurate when u set in bios as if u set 1.475 in bios it really would be 1.45 etc so its somit like -15 or somit. Presume 1.45 volts on *** core is ok?

AGP/PCI is 66.66/33.33 (is that right)

So far so good with temps stabling at 42 load prime95 blend test is about 30 mins into it (how long should i do it for do u think till i try a diff fsb change)

Heres my results so far, i know its early to say its stable etc. Just looking for people to point out flaws etc so if i have missed or misconfigured somit please advise. Thanks.



I want to aim for 2.5ghz with ram at 200 ish if possible.
Btw should i have left my geil ddr 400 dual channel 2gb ram on auto for ram volts as i have all the time i have owned the ram. Or was i supose to set it myself? If so what volts is normal for this ram as i think everest is saying its at 2.5
Yes leave it as dual channel and, ddr400 will show as 200 in cpuz. make sure you drop ht frequency to about 4-3 when overclocking
I was asking about the ddr volts, should i leave it on auto or set it myself. I can pick from AUTO, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8. Which should i pick for my ram. If i want to oc the ram past 200mhz in cpuz.


Is my ram btw. I also want to know if you have the same ram as me (general question to all here) what ddr volts do you have it on. As all that geil site says is from 2.5-2.8 or somit i think. But not what exact volts to use.


Btw i oc two more times.


CPU - 215FSB (2367)
RAM - USING DDR 300 DIVIDER "cpu/14" in cpuz (was 165 now at 169)
HT now 860
Max load temp in prime95 was 43/44 Tho 44 was the norm mostly.
Stable for 40 mins


CPU - 220FSB (2420)
RAM - USING DDR 300 DIVIDER "cpu/14" in cpuz (was 169 now at 172)
HT now 880
Max load temp in prime95 is so far 44 for 10 mins
Stable for still going for another hour since just started 10 mins ago.

Oh yeah, whats the temperature limit of this cpu, is it 50 or 60? As i dont want to fry it lol.


Update -

CPU - 225FSB (2475)
RAM - USING DDR 300 DIVIDER "cpu/14" in cpuz (was 172 now at 176)
HT now 900
Max load temp in prime95 is so far 44 for 45 mins
Stable for 45 mins so on to next test clock

Current test just started.

CPU - 230FSB (2530)
RAM - USING DDR 300 DIVIDER "cpu/14" in cpuz (was 176 now at 180)
HT now 920
Max load temp in prime95 is so far 44 for 5 mins so far
Stable for 5 mins so far. Will test this an hour then try a game or somit.

How am i doing? 15% overclock so far, with this method. How can i tell if im at the limit and the next one wont work and knowing my luck when the comp starts it will freeze in a cylindic loop i heard its called and have to redo the bios (urgh). lol. As last time i tryed overclocking (not as much thought as doing this time, it was messed up at about 2.5ghz

DAMN prime just failed!!!!

What do i do to get it stable??? Up the core to 1.5 in bios or up the ddr volts even tho its on a divider so its not past 200, is it the ddr timings i have which are tighter than stock? Is it just the cpu cant do more? PLEASE HELP.

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I have edited the post above so please help if u can. I have rebooted since and upped the vcore to 1.5 (really 1.475 i think it is as everest is kinda saying 1.45 - 1.48. Doing test again now. going on 5 mins now. Hope it works adding more volts. Btw when shoudl i stop with volts as i duno about the max before its unsafe.

Update - Seems to be ok so far so good eh, been 15 mins almost. Now theres one thing im worried about. The cpu is 45 now, and the cpu diode (whatever that is) is 47. Should i be worried about the diode temp up that high?
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most ppl will say 1.55v is pretty safe with these cpu's, my board wouldn't allow me more than 1.55v and was fine with that (same cpu btw) just make sure temps dont get too high (i was happy with 50-60°c, above 60 and i wouldn't have liked it)

As for the testing you did the right thing with the ram devider, i would soon start thinking about lowering the multi to 10x, or lower still if you wanted to find the max fsb of the cpu.

Just fyi, mine ran at 305x8.5 for every day use, managed 330x8.5, but not stable :D
Damn i was testing with prime till tomorrow (overnighter) but failed at 4am ish when i woke up. :( So it was stable kinda for erm 3 hrs perhaps. Not sure what to do now tho.
Upped the vcore to 1.525 in bios (about 1.5 now in reality in everest etc). Seems to have stablized it. As been running form 4am till 9:34am and its still prime95 blend test stable (so far). Going to run it till 4pm which will be a 12 hr test, is that enough to make sure its stable or should i do it longer? As i would like to play a game lol as i will be bored as hell while its running prime.

Btw. Last time i got to 2.5ghz it went bad as i said above in a previous post with bios freezing so couldnt reset settings etc. I thought it was the ram at first but now i relize it was the cpu not getting enough juice as i just had 1.425 in bios for vcore before.

But now, since thats on a 300 divider cpu/14 i have so far got 2.5ghz cpu stable this time (so far) and im woundering. Should i attempt to try a 333 divider now so i have a little bit more ram boost now? Or will it mock up my tested oc and ill have to start all over again?

Was thinking of cpu/12 divider so

cpu - 230 fsb
cpu speed 2530
ht - 4x 920
ram ddr 333 divider so would be 210 instead of cpu/14 which its currently at 180

Would my geil handle 10mhz over 200 with tight timings etc. Is it worth the boost from ram or not? What ddr volts would i need ?
Ok im a wee bit disapointed in the replys as in only 2 replys thats not me. Thanks to those who did reply btw, appreciated. :)

Ok the time is almost coming up to 12 hours prime 95 blend stable. from 4am till 4pm (its 3:41pm now).

Would this be considered a stable oc now? If so then :) If not then :( if not how much longer should i let it run. Also is prime95 blend test the best test to do so i shouldnt have to test with other programs right? Or should i? If yes which ones and for how long?

Oh and the temps so far. Well the mb temp is about 29/32 (32/33 when heating was on earlier). The cpu is usually 46-49 (49 when heating was on). The cpu diode whatever that is 48 usually hto was up to 50/51 i believe when heating was on).

Hows them temps? Safe enough still for everyday oc at this speed if it is stable at 4pm today?


Well untill im told otherwise im going to call this stable or till it crashes at somit. Going to test pcmark 04 (wana compare to stock i did before) and 3dmark 05 see if score is better with 300mhz more on the cpu from stock.

Heres my results.

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Here is pcmark 04 results and 3d mark 05 results.

500 point score increase in 3dmark 05 which is nice but is it to be expected or should it have been higher or lower than what you think it should be?

Also pcmark 04 was 4100 ish, now is near 4800. Nice to me it seems but is it right or should it be more?


Right Viper on msn said last night higher fsb gives better bandwidth so i have lowered

ram divider to cpu/15 (266 it says in bios next to the divider choice)
Multi to 10
HTT to x3 (giving a very low 720 at the mo)
upped the fsb to 240

So im testing

cpu - 240 (2400)
ram - 160 (cpu/15)
mp 10
htt x3 (720)

Going to prime 95 this for a hour see if the fsb is stable. Then keep upping it.

To get the ram near 200 again tho (400ddr) im going to have to erm get 2800 or 2900 speed. Which i doubt i can achieve so i will have to think about using a less strong divider and risk the ram going above 200 a bit. I think ill up the ddr volts to 2.7 and see how that goes since its rated up to 2.9 on ocuk site it should be fine and within limits. Tho might have to slacken timings from 2.5, 3, 3, 7 1T.


cpu - 2400 with 240fsb at 10multi, 3x htt, cpu/15 - worked for 33 mins
cpu - 2500 with 250fsb at 10multi, 3x htt, cpu/15 - worked for 57 mins
cpu - 2600 with 260fsb at 10multi, 3x htt, cpu/15 - worked for 2 mins then failed.

I increased vcore to 1.550 in bios (about 1.525 actual) and i upped the ddr volts to 2.8

Still failed. So is 260fsb my fsb limit? Or would a lower multiplier help go past 260? As volt increases didnt work so im guessing its 260 is my limit tho duno if its the cpu or the mb fault.

Im trying now

cpu - 2500 with 250fsb at 10multi, 4x htt (250x4 - 1000), cpu/12 (208 speed) with ddr volts raised from auto (duno what they were) to 2.8 since thats as high as my board will allow for ddr volts (ram should be ok to 2.95 ocuk site says so..) - worked for 20 mins so far.

Im guessing if this is prime stable then i should just count myself lucky i got to 2.5ghz yeah?

Oh yeah whats best out of

CPU - 2530
fsb - 230
multi 11
ram - 180
divider cpu/14
htt 4x (230 * 4 - 920)


CPU - 2500
fsb - 250
multi 10
ram - 208
divider cpu/12
htt 4x (250 * 4 - 1000)

Im guessing the latter due to higher fsb.

Or should i go back to a 11 multi and try using somit like

CPU - 2750
fsb - 250
ram - 196 (2750 /14 - 196)
divider cpu/14
htt 4x (250 * 4 - 1000)

Or would that not work for some reason as it is 250fsb not 260 which my hardware seems to have trouble with.
CPU - 2500
fsb - 250
multi 10
ram - 208
divider cpu/12
htt 4x (250 * 4 - 1000)

Is best, you're getting a bit high on volts, might not be the cpu and ram limiting you, tryed higher mainboard voltage? The chipset might not like the speed and need more power? If it's not this just be on safe side, lower 10 fsb from the point where it failed primeing, and keep it that way (and test for stability)?
CPU - 2500
fsb - 250
multi 10
ram - 208
divider cpu/12
htt 4x (250 * 4 - 1000)

vcore 1.525 in bios
ddr volt 2.8

failed after 4 hrs prime blend test. Didnt say fail just froze the comp (bit of a shock lol since worst these past two days is just fail prime after few mins so i could reboot easy etc. Btw pressed reset (nothing) hard power off and on worked tho and restored my last stable oc.


Im currently testing

CPU - 2530
fsb - 230
multi 11
ram - 210
divider cpu/12
htt 4x (230 * 4 - 920)

vcore and ddr is 1.525 /2.8 still

Tested for 30 mins i think maybe a hour (i forget when exactly) Stable so far. I did try

CPU - 2585
fsb - 235
multi 11
ram - 184
divider cpu/14
htt 4x (235 * 4 - 940) But failed after few mins.

Temps never been over 50 except the diode temp but thats only ever gone to 51 max. So im woundering if i can do higher volts or not. Tbh i think if this is stable im gona stick to this. As i get the same clock as my 12hr stable plus i have ram running very nicly at 210 which i get 6700 bandwidth or somit which is nice.


Snowy - Only volts i can change in bios is vcore/ddr/agp/v-link. Is v-link the mb volts? If so my motherboard can only change it from 2.5 or 2.6 as there the only two options and i think its on 2.5 now. Not keen on changing that tho as i really know nothing at all about v-link stuff. Btw what should agp volts be? I think its at 1.5 at the mo.
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After 7 hrs stable last night. I decided to play some spearhead online, was fine. Then i tryed some gta sa which was really nice as silky smooth which was better than normal performance (from oc i guess) but when i was doing a mission performance degraded a tad and didnt feel smooth again. Turned off comp as went to watch bill and ted excellent adventure last night.

Came back on comp. Did some browsing. Did some gaming on spearhead (i think) then watched bleach episode online via stream at stage6 site. Half way through i got a system freeze with a sound pitch which was constant.

Does this mean its not actually stable now? I rebooted this morning was fine but i did after windows loaded go to bios and lowered my fsb to 227 to make 2497. Just incase.

Should i leave at this speed 2497 now or go back to 2530 and pray that crash while watchin a online episode of somit was a fluke. But then again what about the performance decrease over time on gta sa?

Think is. I dont get it why it crashed. The prime95 blend test lasted 7 hrs stable. Usually would mean it would work great when stressed. Yet i doubt streaming some anime last night before bed would have been more stress than blend test lol. So what has gone wrong?
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Damn it again.

TDU did same freeze with same sound buzz after 1 min into game. So i went back to my 12 hr stable overclock which was

cpu - 2530
ram 180 (cpu/14)
htt 4x 920
vcore 1.525 still
ddr volt 2.8
fsb 230 least tdu was stable on that for a hour till i got bored.

Must be the ram then it doesnt like going over 200 perhaps at tight timings and i really dont want to lose the speed of 2.5,3,3,7 1T
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