Overclocking Sandybridge

18 Oct 2002
Lake District
Late to the party I know :p

I've owned my 2500k for some years now and I've never overclocked it.

I'm trying to get to 4.4ghz which sound reasonable.

I thought I was successful with 1.25v vcore but I started getting WHEA Uncorrectable Errors, it says dumping memory but never goes past 0%.

What usually follows is the bios showing 'Waiting for ME... 10' and the another reboot with a message stating my settings didn't work.

I was running the Beta Uefi on my motherboard but I downgraded to the last Award Bios so that I could get the LLC option back. I run LLC at Level 6 which seems a good place.

Should I increase the QPI/VTT voltage one click if I'm trying to run XMP whilst overclocking the CPU?
Break it down and do things one by one so you can see where the problem is. Leave memory stock and raise clock speeds gradually, along with voltage. Find a stable setting you're happy with, then adjust RAM speeds/timings.

I know it's tempting with a well-established CPU to just whack on what should be an "easy" overclock. In my experience it's not so successful - I put a 4690k under water recently expecting to just stick it at 4.2-4.4, and was very wrong. Small steps and testing are good :)
I had my old 2500k on a P67P8 Pro, as far as I know mine was a fairly average clocker (bought in the NDA slip, I received it the day after the NDA lifted!) and was absolutely fine on 1.3v for 4400MHz, I literally just set Vcore at 1.3v, multiplier at 44x, base clock 100.00 and saved it.
(Memory was 1600/C9 standard XMP profile at 1.35v, uyou might need a bit more VTT/VCCIO volts if running higher RAM settings.)

I wasn't running any LLC (as I'm very fussy/bordering on paranoid about temps and voltage spikes!)

If you keep having issues, message/quote me and I'll see if I can find enough bits to chuck a test rig together.

Although as LuckyBenski said, it's definitely worth spending the time to do it properly step by step, I was just being super lazy, which I've continued with my Ryzen build running at 3200MHz :P
My BCLK is dropping under 100mhz even though its set to that, any particular reason why this might be happening?
Is there any point in trying to overclock using offset voltage or just stick it on manual vcore?
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