Late to the party I know
I've owned my 2500k for some years now and I've never overclocked it.
I'm trying to get to 4.4ghz which sound reasonable.
I thought I was successful with 1.25v vcore but I started getting WHEA Uncorrectable Errors, it says dumping memory but never goes past 0%.
What usually follows is the bios showing 'Waiting for ME... 10' and the another reboot with a message stating my settings didn't work.
I was running the Beta Uefi on my motherboard but I downgraded to the last Award Bios so that I could get the LLC option back. I run LLC at Level 6 which seems a good place.
Should I increase the QPI/VTT voltage one click if I'm trying to run XMP whilst overclocking the CPU?
I've owned my 2500k for some years now and I've never overclocked it.
I'm trying to get to 4.4ghz which sound reasonable.
I thought I was successful with 1.25v vcore but I started getting WHEA Uncorrectable Errors, it says dumping memory but never goes past 0%.
What usually follows is the bios showing 'Waiting for ME... 10' and the another reboot with a message stating my settings didn't work.
I was running the Beta Uefi on my motherboard but I downgraded to the last Award Bios so that I could get the LLC option back. I run LLC at Level 6 which seems a good place.
Should I increase the QPI/VTT voltage one click if I'm trying to run XMP whilst overclocking the CPU?