Overclocking stability problems

15 Feb 2007
Newport, South Wales
Hi, i recently overclocked my e6600 to 3.2Ghz. The problem is though i'm having trouble getting it to stabilize. I have a P5N-E SLI mobo and dual ddr2 667 ram.

I set my ram unlinked so it gave a ratio of 15:14, but i couldnt get that stable, the same for 'Sync Mode' as well.

I think that its to do with my ram FSB speed or something because i've heard that people get to 3.2ghz with out having to change there vcore.

The easiest way is to find the max stable speed of the 3 mains components individualy, Mobo, Ram, Cpu.
Set the Ram to unlinked and to stock speed, that way you can be sure that the Ram doesnt interfear.
Your mobo can his high FSB's so dont worry about that, next its the CPU.
Use the Mobo settings that are shown on the P5N-E SLI users thread in the Mobo forum.
Instale the latest bios and then just keep upping the FSB until you lose stability, then increase the VCore one step and keep going until your Cpu temps get higher than you like.
You will also probably have to increase the NB Volts, possibley up to 1.7 so make sure your case cooling is good.
Its also advisable to do the pencil mob on the mobo to minimise VDroop as its a major factor on the P5N-E.
Once your happy with the CPU you can then work on the memory.
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