Overclocking without upping vcore

27 Sep 2008
Hi 8 pack

Sorry for all the questions lately, im still trying to get my head around overclocking with a new system.

I have managed to update the bios, needed to get a file from the v2 of my board and rename the .bat file.

I have been playing around with the settings and managed to get to 4.2. The problem is this board cannot up the vcore, there is just no option, I have dones some research and see it is a fault of this Bios but no fix unfortunately.

So would you be able to help me to get a higher overclock than 4.2 with stock volts.

Hope you can as I really wanted 4.5 as a milestone.

My specs are-
Silver arrow SB-E Extreme
Gigabyte Z68ap-d3

Currently this is what everything looks like.
Is there no option at all or just it doesn't do anything? What about offset, is that option available?
No option on there, no offset either :(.
Only voltage options are
Ram x4 different settings
and then one that is default 0.9 but cant remember name off by heart
I couldnt to begin with, I can change it since messing about with unofficial bios updates. The thing is the cpu fails prime when i overclock it further that 4.2 so im guessing I need more voltage.

I have asked in the wanted section but Im pretty strapped for cash and want to get the most out of this board.

Would I notice a big jump from 4.2 to 4.5?
i see you have modded the bios/bat file to work with your version of board. if i were you i would go back to the latest version of your original bios, at least you will get your features back albeit the uefi. Then you can start overclocking ;)
did you update your bios this way?

The downloaded bios file contains 3 separate files:
When you run the downloaded EXE file, it should extract all 3 files.

You will need to create a bootable usb drive or cd/dvd with these files on the drive.

The autoexec.bat file contains only 1 line:

This means that when you boot from your usb or optical drive, FLASHEFI will automatically run and flash using the Z68XUD3H.U1H file.
Be sure to let the flashing process complete!!!
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Just to update managed to get 4.32 with overclocking the bus speed slightly higher. This is the max though, anymore and I get the 124 BSOD.

I am feeling slightly happier just feel this chip is capable of far more. Been running Prime with the 4.32 overclock and the hottest core is number 3 at 52 degrees.
what a higher bus than above 107.67????

and code 124 is increase qpi/vtt (SA) first, then vcore

BSOD Codes for SandyBridge
0x124 = add/remove vcore or QPI/VTT voltage (usually Vcore, once it was QPI/VTT)
0x101 = add more vcore
0x50 = RAM timings/Frequency add DDR3 voltage or add QPI/VTT
0x1E = add more vcore
0x3B = add more vcore
0xD1 = add QPI/VTT voltage
“0x9C = QPI/VTT most likely, but increasing vcore has helped in some instances”
0X109 = add DDR3 voltage
0x0A = add QPI/VTT voltage
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Yes thats how I updated. I did let the flashing process complete.

The file I got off of the Gigabyte forums only had the Bios update, I got the other two files from the V2 official update and then renamed the .bat file to the name of my Bios. Seemed to all work fine apart from the loss of settings but from what I have read this is what happens?

If I go back to the Award bios I cant overclock the multiplier on my Ivybridge so the situation is even worse.

Really appreciate the help so far Nick, two heads are always better than one and I am hoping a solution may get mentioned.

So far still running prime and all seems okay at 4.32. I want the magic 4.5 though :(
i know its fustrating but i personally wouldn't take the bclk any higher than 105 for long periods, remember this is stressing all components attached to the bus

*edit* when you couldn't use the multi in the award bios was it the original one??? has there been an update since?
I was using the newest one. Unfortunately its my own fault I didnt research the board enough before purchasing. I saw it for £35 on the B grade section and just bought it after reading good reviews.

Then I noticed the multiplier was locked and did some reading and found out my board doesnt allow overclocking of the multiplier with Ivybridge processors.

I then found out about the unofficial update but heard it did have its share of issues and it looks like this is one of them.

Gigabyte have oficially updated version 2 of my board to the Uefi Bios but have not done the same with my Version 1. I was thinking of trying to update the Bios with the version 2 update but I am worried about bricking my board.
Hi Nick, just checked those files, exactly the same as what I have. The .bat file is the same too, needs to be renamed before using. Where did you find all 3 together by the way? Your google skills are far superior to mine.

This is where I currently stand-
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See that one only has one file which is the bios file, thats what originally stumped me as I didnt know what the other two files they were talking about were.
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