Overheating memory

30 Jan 2007
West Sussex
Overheating motherboard

Hi everyone

I upgraded my PC earlier this year and didnt seem to have any problems. Recently though i have started to get unexplained shutdowns so did some investigation when my system is under load (I use it to play games) I have PC Probe II from asus and after about 20 minutes i get a warning for High temperature on the MB (Memory i believe) with a temperature of 45c.

I didnt think that was particularly high but never the less i want to try and look after my PC so any suggestions. I have 3 case fans already but space for one more, however they arent near the memory and im not convinced it will help.

All suggestions welcome.
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Try running memtest by creating a bootable CD and see what happens. I'm having exactly the same problems.

One of my sticks failed memtest miserably and has been RMA'd

My system would boot, play games etc, but then just shutdown for no reason. It appears the above was the cause.
Update: I had a look around in PC Probe II and found under the config settings that the Temperature threshold for the MB (what ever that is) is set to its lowest setting of 45c (where as the temperature setting for the CPU has a threshold of 60c)

Its possible that this might be causing the system to shut down, the asus manual and website arent very helpful, is it safe to increase the threshold ?
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Does seem above average temps for the mb (mother board) but i dont think its too hot.

Check all the fans are working, are they the ones that come with the case?

Are they pointing the correct direction, ie front-in, back-out whats your cabling like as they could be restircting the air flow.

Just looked at your case, it sucks air in through the front grill, is behind there dust free so air can be sucked in?

What cpu cooler have you got?

if youve got a stock cooler then the heat it disperses will cause your mb temps to be a lot higher than an after market cooler that could blow the heat straight out of the back of your case ;)

Edit: Just read a few reviews on your case and its not the best for air flow, and the fans have extremley low CFM.

Its a bit extreme but if you keep getting temp probs id think of upgrading the tower.
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Thanks, i do have a stock cooler on the cpu and id rather avoid having to take that apart so id rather consider other options first. I install two Coolmaster fans in the front (1 in 1 out) and the 8800 GTS shoves air out the back too. There is one more slot for another fan to the rear i could use. Prehaps if i replaced the exhaust on the front and put it on the rear it might help.
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