Yup, I think they panicked and got a little tilted with about a minute to go and it all went down hill for them from there.
There is no better feeling than a massive come back like that.
I bet you guys were well pleased.
Yup, I think they panicked and got a little tilted with about a minute to go and it all went down hill for them from there.
Yeah, for sure. It's like that one we all had on Numbani, it's what makes you come back to the game, the hope you'll have a game as epic as these ones.
When things go really bad, you sometimes even come away feeling great about a draw! Attach on Volskaya over the weekend, neither of our tanks got through the first choke once... got in the choke, saw Symm turrets, panicked and retreated every time. DPS were absent. (I was support.) I was sure we'd get quickly rolled after such a shocking first round. On defence, they pushed onto Point A several times, but they didn't get a tick and it finished in a draw... never felt so happy with a draw!
I swear it's mostly DPS that lets everyone down, but mostly them giving everyone else abuse.
You can fly up the ranks as a healer by just working out who the best dps is on your team and pocketing them.
I would say so yeah...
The "pocket" healers are the single-target healers... Mercy, Ana, Zen, Brig... big healing directed at one target - with your complete focus you can almost keep a specific player alive through anything
The group healers are the others... Lucio, Bap and Moira... obviously you can kind of focus healing on these but not as strongly, but they excel at splashing the whole team
Most of the time your team wants to have one single target healer and one group healer... then just balance around what heroes your team has picked and what you're up against... e.g. Ana and Zen both have a horrible time usually if the other team are very dive-y (and especially if your own team aren't pro-active about defending you)... Higher mobility picks are better at escaping dives and following high mobility dps around...
A lot of it relies on what your overall team are trying to do... sometimes you get very fast dive oriented dps players but paired with slow, passive tank players who aren't going to push up into the enemies face... those games absolutely suck for the healers as you almost can't be effective at all (but for what it's worth; lucio lucio lucio and just try to encourage the tanks to be more aggressive and attack with the dps)
The game feels nice without Reinhardt ana moira.
Is the bans a test or is it permanent in game?
Changes every thursday. Last week it was Orisa, Hanzo, Mei and Bap. Banning 2 healers this week was a big call seeing as the hero pool in support is pretty slim anyway.
Edit: sorry misread your post. Its experimental this season.
Yeah, it is quite different, but pretty tough for me. I only really tank Zarya or Rein in comp, so it's been a little awkward when the other tank takes Zarya! Likewise with support. If the other takes Mercy, I only really have Lucio as a decent option. (Moira and Ana making up the 3 support I play)., It does make it interesting though!
I am wondering about playing some McCree in comp though. A few Quick Plays recently I've been pinging some nice shots with him and have finished with 55%+ accuracy (which seems pretty good to me?)
I think the monkey,zarya combo seems a strong tank comp right now. With zarya pocketing monkey.