
Seems they have gone full circle and gone back to letting people open Q.

I had stopped playing after they removed the character bans because I was quite enjoying it being different every week. I thought I would come back and try some open Q.

So far so good, im really enjoying going back to open Q, for me it just suits the way I play better and plus there is no wait time and the matches seem much more interesting. I won 11 matches in a row today solo Q open Q, it seemed like I could really make a difference to the game and it hasnt seemed that way for quite a while.

Hopefully now im happy with it they can just leave the game be and stop messing with it.
Is that ranked open Q? Have they completely removed 2-2-2 or is that still an option?

It now has 2 options when you go to ranked.

The old style open Q has 10 placement matches which actually appear to be working. I started my placements against mainly gold players but as I was winning matches you could see it was trying me in higher and higher matches, after a few wins there I was going up against plats then in my last couple of matches it was a mix of plats and diamonds.

I placed around 3030 in the end. Then went on to win a few more and now at around 3250. Luck was definitely on my side this day, 2 different games that were going to be a loss had a leaver on other team near end of game.

I was pretty much done with the game but open Q has brought back a lot of the craziness that I used to love. You can be getting rolled then try something different like 4 tanks and turn it around.

If you liked the old game where anything goes I recommend giving it a couple of tries.
Open Q! Hmmmmm hovers over play button ...

yeah - Reinstall time - As frustrating as Open Q was, and I was one of the first to hope/pray for 2-2-2 - it turned out to probably be worse than anything I expect.

@imginy - Your right there - the ability to totally change things was always good fun, the role lock left a lot to be desired !

Smashed the crap out of Tarkov for last 6 months - need to switch it up - will reinstall again and see I think!
Re-installed it... Played about 15 comp games... Un-installed it...

Its "core" has forever been tainted I feel. It won't get back to what it was, unfortunately. There are much better games out there to waste time on.
Re-installed it... Played about 15 comp games... Un-installed it...

Its "core" has forever been tainted I feel. It won't get back to what it was, unfortunately. There are much better games out there to waste time on.

kind of similar - Whilst it's fun to go back to crazy teams/mix up the 2-2-2. The game is dead for me. Just run it's course now. Played maybe 20/25 games since re-installing. Laughably got placed at 1750 for open queue.

Just feels like they've given up on it. No new maps/content in ages

They've released 1 hero in last 11 months (Echo), no new maps in 14 months.

Whist I know they are OW2 focused no doubt - OW is just stale feeling now. Still all about the dps players and their ability to win games. Healing/Tanking does nothing. You can heal like you life depended on it and still you get a widow who kills nothing/can't hit a shot so you loose the game as no-one is dieing.

Had a comment from 2 tanks players last night. They were decent players, did their jobs, they commented in chat that despite them tanking great, me healing them loads, cause we had widow/genji just doing what they wanted - it was pointless. One of them tanked 45k of damage as rein, I healed 27k as Mercy and ress'd 13 times - we still lost.

Peace out boys - it was a great game but the lack of focus, new content, and same old dps biased problem that has never been solved, it's a no from me.
I said it was dead ages ago, and sadly I was right... it took a while for people's excuses to die down as they actually saw the game for what it was

it's a shame - It's just be left to die. No new characters/maps in nearly a year now... I could understand if OW2 was a completely different game but it appears to be shaping up to be the same thing with a couple of tweaks, more like OW 1.1
Even the players in non-competitive modes have gone down the drain in recent months. They don't even understand what CTF is,or capturing an objective means you need to be on the objective? Its like they are thinking its Fortnite,and each person goes pew-pew on their own unique journey.
Even the players in non-competitive modes have gone down the drain in recent months. They don't even understand what CTF is,or capturing an objective means you need to be on the objective? Its like they are thinking its Fortnite,and each person goes pew-pew on their own unique journey.

Best not to think about it! In anything other than comp, once the first spawn stagger happens it never stops. Even comp is hit and miss in this regard at my level (gold). One of the things I love most about OW is team work and combos... Drives me mad when the whole team plays solo, even in arcade.
Best not to think about it! In anything other than comp, once the first spawn stagger happens it never stops. Even comp is hit and miss in this regard at my level (gold). One of the things I love most about OW is team work and combos... Drives me mad when the whole team plays solo, even in arcade.
This is what I alluding at - it seems teamplay has gone down the drain this year. I think a lot of them are new players,or casuals who are used to Battle Royale type games,and can't understand its about playing as a team,not pew-pew uberl33t bestest in the world player. They are more concerned with protecting their "lives" instead of achieving the objective.
Best not to think about it! In anything other than comp, once the first spawn stagger happens it never stops. Even comp is hit and miss in this regard at my level (gold). One of the things I love most about OW is team work and combos... Drives me mad when the whole team plays solo, even in arcade.
I had some good games down in gold on my alt, even had a great game as Winston on Eichenwalde (my weakest tank by far). Enjoying the meta at the moment, and i think a couple more tweaks and it will be really good.
Competitive is also awful,decided to play some ranking matches for the latest season,and the same selfish defensive play. Instead of trying to play as a group and push to capture a point,more Fortnite style pew-pew play.It was definitely better last year!

In two matches I literally got onto the point and capped it by myself,whilst the rest were farting around. The worse thing I am not some A* level player(IMHO),so not sure some of these people understand what they need to be doing.
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I've usually been rather positive about Overwatch, but the number of games I enjoy to games that annoy me ratio has shifted somewhat over the last 4 or 5 months. I've started playing Valorant more when I have an hour or so for gaming. I still play Overwatch, but prefer to play with friends. We managed to get 6 of us together last week and it was great fun.
It's because all of the decent team players and main tanks quit playing when it became obvious Blizz had no idea what they were doing and the writing was on the wall
I've usually been rather positive about Overwatch, but the number of games I enjoy to games that annoy me ratio has shifted somewhat over the last 4 or 5 months. I've started playing Valorant more when I have an hour or so for gaming. I still play Overwatch, but prefer to play with friends. We managed to get 6 of us together last week and it was great fun.

Its a shame and it shows if the decent playerbase has left. I also think because of the lockdown there must have been an influx of players from Battle Royales,etc who have no real clue about teamplay. Also the other thing that gets my goat,is when no one decides to play as a healer(most thankless job ever),so you switch over,and the fools run all over the place going pew-pew,and expect the healers to be everyone at once,and moan they are not healing them specifically. Yet they play the same character again and again,and don't seem to understand OW means you might need to change characters according to team composition. Its just becoming more and more frustrating! :(

Is Valorant any better WRT to the players?? If so I will give that a go.
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