"Overwhelmingly white" workplace affecting mental health



2 Mar 2018
God's own county
The BBC always comes across as the most woke, equality-driven entity on the planet. Look at how much equality and proportional representation they manage to force-feed their audience by shoehorning it into every production they possibly can... Man, they even let Gingers have leading roles, sometimes!

I think Nihal is just a little malcontent over this. Maybe he should move back to London.
Welcome to one of my previous workplaces. If you were Christian, white, male, able-bodied and straight, then you were ok. I only got the job because I was a previous customer of theirs and didn't know the working culture at the time. As time went on, I got bullied on 2 fronts - disability and being a non-believer.

Although I didn't know what a union was at the time, I was advised by the MD not to join a union. I didn't think much of it at the time, but hindsight eh.

Sweeping assumptions were made as well such as me being into witchcraft because I liked Harry Potter and being a druggie because I liked clubbing.

A gay friend couldn't come out because of this workplace.

In a redundancy round, they got rid of nearly all of the women, leaving only 3 women left and absolutely no one of colour at all.

There was even in-fighting between the different Christian denominations.

I had 2 bullies and it took nearly 2 years to get rid of them in another redundancy round, but it was too little too late. The company folded 3 months later. I had to get the redundancy money from the government in the end because none of us got redundancy pay.

I'm in the NHS now. Busy busy busy, but I'm in a better place.
Maybe he should get another job. I can imagine the backlash if a white person said that about a mainly coloured workplace.
A persons colour shouldn't matter at all, being good at the job should be the only thing that counts.
Can't say coloured anymore mate.

I'd guess you're the same age as my parents.
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