Ozone Gaming Gear Onda 3HX warranty...

19 Oct 2002
The land of Cows n Grass!
I bought my son these headphones from ocuk in March as a 14th birthday present:

Ozone Gaming Gear Onda 3HX

Tonight I overheard him mention they are not working right! The Right speaker cuts out. I had a quick nose at them and noticed if you so much as twiddle the wire a bit the sound cuts out instantly, no crackling just a "pop" and then no sound.

Anyone had this sorta thing happen? I guess the cable has failed somewhere or a failure in the little switch block thing with the volume on it.

I shall get on to ocuk and see if they can help. Bit dissapointed that they are faulty already, my son is not exactly a heavy gamer or rougth with things :rolleyes:
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