P*ssed it down up the fiddle :(

Have a GoPro HD and not tried to timelapse still shots yet, very surprised it's capable of decent shots in not the best of light while moving!

Going to have to try it out now.
Great Pics! I know this is going to be frowned upon, but very interested in the Go Pro Yoshimitsu. My details are in the trust section.
Yoshi, what's the legality of your plate? it looks the right size, but it's positioning looks off, not trying to start a row as I'm looking to put mine there, do you get any grief from the police about it? cheers :)

Nice pics by the way, what's with the green tube??
IIRC correctly from another of his threads, providing the plate is mounted at the furthest foward and nearest vertical position your legal. By removing the factory plate hangar its legal, however will no doubt attract negative attention
Hmm tempted to get one of these GoPro HD cameras now, have to see if I can budget for one lol.
Some good pictures up there :).
Surely it is not wise to post pictures of yourself speeding given the recent thread?

Nice pictures though :)

Best pics I've seen on here. :cool: Quoted my fave just for the sheer hell of it.
Good quality pics! I don't know how I haven't seen you around Stoke or my area seeing as you have to go near me to go to the Fiddle en route to Congleton, unless you go the Leek way?
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