P5B deluxe and installing Raid

25 Nov 2003
Milton Keynes
Hi , do i need a floppy drive to install Windows on Raid 0 with this mobo . My old motherboard needed me to press F6 during installation for the drivers.
Thanks , maybe i shouldnt of given away my floppy drive then.
Is there anyway to get around this without a floppy , like slipstreaming the drivers onto the install cd.
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Thanks , heard the pro's and con's of Installing XP on Raid 0 , but thought i would give it a try and see what it feels like got 2 Seagate 7200.10Sata 320 gig and want to play with them . If i'm not impressed with it , what would be the best way to config the drives e.g.

Disk 1 :c:50 gigss for XP
Thanks , heard the pro's and con's of Installing XP on Raid 0 , but thought i would give it a try and see what it feels like got 2 Seagate 7200.10Sata 320 gig and want to play with them . If i'm not impressed with it , what would this be the best way to config the drives :

Disk 1 :c:50 gig XP
..........d:270 Storage

Disk 2 e:10 gig page file
..........f:310 games
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