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P5W DH + e6400?

17 Oct 2002
I'm hoping to be ordering a new system in the next few days. I need to get a i975 mobo so I've opted for the P5W DH. But I was going to get a e6400.

I've seen a lot of people say that e6600's are better on 975 chipsets tho.
I'm just wandering if I will have any problems running a e6400 @ 400+fsb as I would like to get the RAM running to spec and get a clock of 3.2Ghz+

Seems to be mixed opinions on this board, like people saying they can't get past 350fsb etc. I'm just thinking that hopefully the new BIOS revisions have sorted these problems out. :confused:

*edit* not sure if this should be in motherboards or even overclocking :confused: oops :rolleyes:
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I have an E6300 on the asus p5w-dh deluxe and all i can say is WOW.

If your looking for a feature rich mobo with xfire support then its good although they do say something like the asus p5b board is better as it gives a higher fsb if you are using a 6300 or 6400.

My asus is currently running at 420 to give me 2.8ghz and it does go higher so dont be put off with reports of no more than 350fsb.

Imho if you can afford it then get the 6600 but the 6400 will serve you well.
I'm not sure atm :( guess it's only £65 more but the 6400 seems to clock about the same as the 6600. I guess the 6600 does have more cache tho. Not sure how much that would effect it tho :confused:
Just found an article showing the difference between 2mb cache and 4mb cache and overall the average difference it makes is 3.5%

Also been reading some rumours that the 6300/6400 are just 'binned' conroes which have cache problems. 2mb of the cache is just disabled? would account for why they clock so well I guess but still a rumour.

I guess the extra 2mb cache isn't worth paying the extra money for tho.
I had an E6300 initially in my P5WDH and it happily clocked to 2.87GHz, with minmal effort except MCH voltage boost (410 FSB x7)......now replaced with an E6600 which I cannot get to same sort of FSB.......my point is, even with a relatively early BIOS for the P5WDH I achieved 410FSB, and don't see myself as an expert overclocker.....that said, opinion is that these boards will not go that much higher on FSB anyway, so if a max overclock is your aim then perhaps going for a board with better FSB headroom is the way.....then again, 2.87GHz on a E6300 is still a hefty boost :p
Cool sounds good :)
I'd probably be hoping for 3.2ghz at minimum. So the expensive RAM is at least running to its rated speeds.
Wonder how many people with e6600's have got over 400fsb
mortals said:
Cool sounds good :)
I'd probably be hoping for 3.2ghz at minimum. So the expensive RAM is at least running to its rated speeds.
Wonder how many people with e6600's have got over 400fsb

My 6600 is at 3.8ghz on the ASUS P5W DH.

If you are getting the 6300 then just get a DS3 instead. ;)
I've ordered the P5W with a e6400 :)

Unfortunately I can't get a i965 because it is ich8 and not supported for what I need it for :( hopefully it will clock ok :)
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