Lap of the Gods there jp, my friend in NYC sent me a photo of the USPS receipt for shipping, it said $84.95, ETA 8-10 business days, and she added, “FYI I had to complete a Customs Form.”
As she’s a respected child psychologist, I don’t imagine that she lied about contents and value.
As the weight says 5 lb 12.7 oz I’m guessing that the $84.95 is just for shipping, so maybe the mailman will ring my buzzer and say, “Fetch £X amount to the door for your Customs fee.”
I thought that if the USPS calculated that any Customs Duties were due, they’d have taken it in the U.S. and sent it to HMRC UK, but what do I know?
I’ll soon find out I guess.
On the off chance that anyone is interested, I tracked the package on the USPS website.
It was mailed at Sea Cliff, Long Island, NY at 12.52 on Friday 14/01/22, it departed N.Y., (presumably JFK), at 23.16 on 15/01/22, then on 16/01/22 at 08.36 it was delivered into the U.K. mail system at London Heathrow.
I doubt that the U.K. Post Office is as streamlined as the USPS, but with any luck I may have it by next Friday, 21/01/22, but I won’t hold my breath.