
17 Nov 2005
Just gotten ahold of this. But having serious stuttering problems on the cutscenes. Haven't even gotten to play the game yet due to this problem.

Has anyone else gottent this?

Could it be because I have a dual-core?

Already got the latest drivers installed and also patched the game fully.

I'm wondering if it might have something to do with Direct X although I have the latest version installed. Might try installing the directX on the Painkiller cds and see if that helps.
Set the priority of painkillers exe to affinity, this will just concentrate it on one core

this solves a lot of problems with games on dual core
already tried assinging one core and it still stutters.

Will have to see if it requires any codecs when I get home tonight.

shame the game is no good, well its ok but it gets tiresome quick i uninstalled if after a few hours play. Was the same slash n hack moves constantly. The gfx weren't too bad though but a game needs game play.
Well can't get it to play the cutscenes without stuttering. Tried pretty much everything. Can find people with this problem but they've all got a AGP 6800 card not mine and the suggestions of solving it haven't worked. Gameplay is fine but seems a bit pointless playing it without knowing anything about the storyline. Oh well, I shell go and play Farcry instead.

Upgrading my graphics card soon so hopefully that might resolve it.
reinstall the motherboards drivers, and soundcard if you have one, don't forget to uninstall first?
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