Painting for charity?.

There we go, made two pages (one for the NSPCC & the British Red Cross) on

I need to find out if it's possible to find out who donated what (so to know who to send them too), as otherwise the sites not suitable - I also want to double check the site (as I'm unfamiliar with it).
I think the £30 people have mentioned for a canvas painting is a bit cheap tbh, I would pay quite a bit more for an original artists canvas and I'm sure others would as well.....


What other stuff do you do and have you got a website at all?
I would definitely buy them!
Looks amazing, where could I buy your work?
EDIT: I will take the top one, atleast if I can find that money!
mayby put them into the charity shops and if they sell well the charity get thair money.

but probibly wont go for as much as others have sugested by doing it that way.

Sorry about the delay on the update - didn't notice any more posts on the thread during the last week at work.

Currently getting some bits n bobs ready (a few canvases, paints etc) - going to do the next few based off some of my bro's wildlife photos (To avoid any copyright rubbish).

I've made contact with a guy from the British Red Cross & he recommends I continue as planned & use the just-giving website for the donations - now I just need a bit of time away from work to get it all sorted & I can start the ball rolling.

I'll update this thread with the new ones as soon as I've done a couple, for the ones already dibbed on I'll drop a note on here once I've got all the packaging stuff sorted (was away this weekend & no time during week due to work).
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I'll update this thread with the new ones as soon as I've done a couple, for the ones already dibbed on I'll drop a note on here once I've got all the packaging stuff sorted.

Awesome, I sent n email to your trust account when I bumped this thread :)

I am still calling dibs on the snow leopard

Just sorting out the final bits for packaging, send me an email in trust & I'll see what I can sort this weekend (would rather do two at once if possible).

Awesome, I sent n email to your trust account when I bumped this thread :)

Replied to your trust account, I'll try to get it sorted this weekend the ones up on here.

That leaves the Zebra & I also have one of two penguins I need to find out & take pictures of plus a few more I'll start on soon.

Thinking maybe a tiger, eagle, snow fox & perhaps a praying mantis (something a bit different).

Aiming to raise £500 for British Red Cross & £500 for the NSPCC, already have 6 orders offline also so looking good so far (just need to paint em lol).

British Red Cross


I love the paintings that OP did. I'd be happy to pay £40-£50 for one on a large canvas
Thanks, I'll see if I can take a few pictures to give a better sense of scale.

I'll be starting a few more & I'll aim to get a few done at once.

Requests on what to paint I'll be happy to take, links to pictures only if you own the copyright for it (or it's from one of those copyright free websites), or just a general idea of what you want & I'll find suitable reference pics.
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Ok, well that's two ready to go (finally got everything sorted, packing material, tape, bubble wrap & time this weekend to post them).

I'll add a couple more this weekend as I complete them, but currently we have remaining.




Since the penguin one was taken I've touched up the edges (as that was taken before it was fully finished) as It's a bit rough rough the edges/bottom on that picture - I'll stick an updated picture of that one up when I get home.

I've got my reference pics ready for a tiger, gecko & praying mantis - should be an interesting weekend.
Thats my donation made, was going to bump this thread as well :) hopefully everything will go quickly mate :)

I chose the red cross to donate to.

Thats my donation made, was going to bump this thread as well :) hopefully everything will go quickly mate :)

I chose the red cross to donate to.

Cheers mate :) - good one.

I'll keep the top page updated as they come in - if you could send me your address to either on my email accounts (I've emailed you on my work & home one now IIRC) then let us know once it's with you.

That's 10% of the way to target for the B.R.C.
Cheers mate :) - good one.

I'll keep the top page updated as they come in - if you could send me your address to either on my email accounts (I've emailed you on my work & home one now IIRC) then let us know once it's with you.

That's 10% of the way to target for the B.R.C.

Think I replied to your work email, I've also updated the two photos you sent me to show scale.



Updated with very generous donation from Bear - OcUk £100 - to the NSPCC.

Bear, any particular painting you wanted of the remaining two?, as I didn't receive a specific request for a picture yet, but I'd be happy to do a new one based off a request & post it to you (for such a generous donation).

Thanks to Kahn/Bear for a great first day so far.
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Updated with very generous donation from Bear - OcUk £100 - to the NSPCC.

Bear, any particular painting you wanted of the remaining two?, as I didn't receive a specific request for a picture yet, but I'd be happy to do a new one based off a request & post it to you (for such a generous donation).

Thanks to Kahn/Bear for a great first day so far.

Not after anything thanks, I used to donate via DD to NSPCC but had to cancel when I was made redundant. Now I am working again, it was over due to start again.
Not after anything thanks, I used to donate via DD to NSPCC but had to cancel when I was made redundant. Now I am working again, it was over due to start again.
Well thank you very much anyway, nice to get it kicked off properly :).
My painting came on monday very nicely packed as well.

Currently on a wall in my bedroom.


Thank a lot again for sending this, good luck on your targets :)

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