Can be as much as 33% faster in various games and resolutions. But if I had a vega 64, still a decent card, and I wasn’t struggling in games I played I’d probably wait. Just IMO it worth grabbing this to replace a Sapphire Vega64 ?
Ta MissChief, getting ok FPS in Warzone @1440p so I'll hold off for new AMD offerings.Can be as much as 33% faster in various games and resolutions. But if I had a vega 64, still a decent card, and I wasn’t struggling in games I played I’d probably wait. Just IMO though.
I take your POV onboard mate. But this is a head and heart thing. That never produces the logical course of action. My opinion is that with no hard details kicking around yet, together with the Covid effect, we won't be seeing mid range 30XX cards for months, not weeks. It's not logical (and I know it), but I want to be there when it's released, in with the hype, and not spending all my hours benchmarking trying to find a workable stable frame rate on a 5 year old card, because that's the abiding memory I seem to have of the original release of FSX all those years ago.
All above opinions gratefully received.