Panasonic 820 multi region

6 Sep 2016
Instead you a can send it code to multi dvd region, I have a learning remote which can import Philips pronto and hexadecimal ir codes so is there source data available in these two systems?
Auto fill in is stupid. Apparently you send ir code which makes it dvd multi region. Is this code available in pronto CCF or hexadecimal as my the remote software allows me to import pronto CCF and hexadecimal directly
You should buy a huge subwoofer.

So 200 sols calls you out on subs and you post someone else setup. And now you post Celestion A3's from about 20 years ago? Show us your full setup. You have a tendency to post stuff you don't own not have any idea about. Celestion A3's good speaker from about 20 years ago. 4 ohm design. Renowned for being clean sounding and not being very room friendly unless you give them a lot of space to sing.

Those are high end speakers will outlcass speakers nowadaus and yes 4 ohm have ATI amplifiers 2000 series, 350 watts going into them and a big room

Thanks :)
Pics or it didn't happen. So you have compared your Celestion A3 to Wilson and Magicos?

Also that is not your pic either....As soon as that pic showed up I recognised it immediately. It's from a For sale ad on the art of sound...



Not my pic but I have pair of A3 in premium rosewood. Don't be jealous...they're it that expensive anymore can be had for under a £1000, same for matching center. A2 usually cheap and also A1 as well usually about £350 and will outclass £1000 speakers. Use A1 as rears with a4c center and definitive technology bp-2x sides.
Someone sold A2 for £200 in mint condition triple bar, awesome for the price.

Kef reference seem to hold the value so because the celestions drop in value they are better VFM if you get a good one that wasn't been thrown off a cliff or poked in treble drivers. Took me a while to get the lot
Thanks for the comments on Kef reference. They have a neat room compensation device on the speaker binding plugs, and mass loading space in the base.

I've set my pair of Kef Reference to small room mode.
There's a celestion a4c on auction site now for £150 new they were £700. I do like four driver centers. Rather have this than new £150.

Think sealed centers are better design also.

Enjoying ownership of couple of decent speakers :) would have liked the Kef model 4.4 but they would have been too big, and they still keep value up.

Think my A3 were about £700 or so much better than £700 speakers from this era
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