A quick report back with some questions about the SD card speed in a seperate thread.
So far, very impressed. The camera was in excellent condition with some of the ND and UV lenses unopened. Currently have a Hoya UV filter fitted instead of the K&F UV and the Hoya CIR PL and ND 8 were tested but not fitted. There were also 3 other K&F Concept lenses included but not even opened, a Star -6, Close up +4 and Close up +10. All unused. I assume the Star buts some sort of star shape on sunlight and the closeups are for Macros.
Overall, focus is fast and the menu offers so many options it is bewildering. Still going through everything and trying to set things up on the Aperture, IA and Video modes. Getting 4k video seems to be hidden deep in the menu setting and sometimes I find it and other times look for ages.
The single photos I have taken are excellent so far. Took it for a field test to a school play...failled miserably. I tried to use an auto bracket setting (-0.3, 0, +0.3) and all those photos were blurred. The merge was abysmal. I suspect the SD card was not writing fast enough (see the new thread I will post after typing this and offer some help). Put in a new SD card yesterday and tried a 60 frame burst which all came out and were all very good.
Anyway, very impressed and overwhelmed at the same time. Will continue to practice and learn and set up as time permits but need to be up to speed by middle of next month for our summer holiday.
I can certainly recommend it so far. I will use the Scenario and IA settings though until thoroughly comfortable.