pancakes are foul things - come at me bro!
Outside now! You're gonna get battered and then drizzled in maple syrup :p.

On which note, love traditional pancakes but can't be arsed with the cooking, especially without a decent pancakes. So family had a stack of buttermilk Scotch ones and I had blueberry ones, all with a few pieces of streaky bacon and Buckwud maple syrup.
Completely forgot about it and now shops near me don’t have any ready made ones left and I’m too lazy to make my own.
I thought Starmer was going to fix Home economics education -
spotted a pile of lemons (seems you have to prepare them yourselves - not jif's) next to sad shrink-wrapped pancakes in JS
These, along with Aunt Bessies, gastro, deliveroo ... tax these processed foods and put the proceeds into those classes.

(Can you air-fry pancakes ?)
Had some savoury ones (tuna mayo w/ cheese), then desert pancakes (chocolate spread & ice cream).

Although I'm an odd one, and actually enjoy plain pancakes too, so often have them for lunch.
I always insist on pancake day at home to have it with English breakfast ingredients. This year I had Bacon, Egg and Mushrooms while other family members had their sugar and lemon. When I was growing up we used to have pancakes with just ketchup and it is still a proper silly comfort food for me so I had one with just ketchup after my other food. I cannot imagine that my attempt at losing weight is going well this week.

Fortunately on holiday it can be pancakes or rather galettes and crepes all year around with more adventurous toppings. Apples, caramel and calvados flambés was pretty good last year in Cannes
does no one have freshly cut orange squeezed on pancakes with sugar ? ive asked a few people and here its common but many people when asked are like are you a mad man but will have lemon instead of oranges. :D

one we used to have back in early 90s and even late 80s was raspberry vinegar and sugar . sorta a fan back then but quite expensive now.
Why is there always such a fascination with how many pancakes people devour? I don't see the same questions when someone has bangers and mash, or fish fingers, or Yorkshire puddings, etc etc.

We had what we always have, proper pancakes with sugar and lemon juice. I have no idea how many, they just kept getting cooked and eaten while there was batter available.
I always make the "american style" ones with bluberries or choc chips in. Number tends to vary as the size is never consistent, as Feek says I just cook them until the batter is gone.

Always pair them with brinner though - get some bacon, egg and sausage on the go too! Flippin love pancakes. (I'll show myself out :D)
Best day of the year.

How many pancakes are you eating?

British or ‘merican style?

What topping? Sugar and lemon, or something absolutely ****ing mental like, Nutella?

I am hoping to have 5-6, British with that sugar and lemon. Ooooooooooooooooo… that’s a good cake.

Fun fact: I was over 20 years old when I realised that a pancake was called a pancake because it was a cake made in a pan.

Fun fact 2: It’s the same day / celebration as ‘Mardi Gras’… but with more pancakes.
Here its Shrove Tuesday and theres no such thing as British style its either english or scottish. So that would be an English then. American are an abomination against nature. Lemon and sugar only. Thats it.
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American style > British style.

Is there even a British style of pancake? With gravy perhaps...
That would definitely be more northerner behaviour :p.

Think pancakes are just to much hassle for me, love a nice fluffy pancake.
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