Panzer General & Allied General (MS-DOS, Win95, Playstation 1) - WW2 turn based strategy game.

12 Jul 2007
Hi all,

I loved this WW2 turn based strategy game when i had both Panzer General and the sequel Allied General on the Playstation way back in '96-ish and during the current lockdown I've been searching for old games that I remembered and found that it was renamed PGForever - - after it got dropped by SSI for their newer post-WW2 to 2000 era Steel Panthers series, which I also have and really enjoy also.

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I've just spent the last 3 days of my 'lockdown' playing this and still absolutely love it! It's amazing how your memory works because despite no playing this for 20+ years I can still remember exactly how to play this, all the little tactics to win etc like it was only played yesterday!



I got recommended the modern "remake" on Steam for £30 called Panzer Corps Gold - exactly the same game with a lot more campaigns/scenarios but it came with a 3D graphical update done around 2011 and its got very good reviews. I bought it and only played D-Day so far and that mission plays just as well as PG version plus the added 3D units/terrain and 3D based attack effects are a bonus. The latest version, PC2, has just been released on Steam too and is getting good/OK reviews so may give that a go.
Well got PC2 a week ago, not a fan TBH. The core gameplay remains the same and is fine with a few welcome additions but its the new graphical update which just is so unlikeable for me. It's like they've decided that adding 3D "Command and Conquer" fully animated units to a turn based game is a great idea but it doesn't work for me. So things like the infantry now actually run from hex to hex (three 200m tall soldiers running across a 1km hex looks daft) and dead infantry theatrically die and tanks blow-up with turret flying off etc and there's no option for switching the animations off that I've found.

PG and PCG are still great to play however!

In fact I feel like PCG has the sweet-spot between a 2D vs 3D visual environment and I just wish PC2 had retained that look whilst updating the gameplay "engine" as the new gameplay additions to PC2 are really good and make logical sense.
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