Paperwork for kitchen/dining room knock through

2 Sep 2007
Hi Guys

Will be having a new kitchen installed which includes knocking through a supporting wall to the dining room. I've had issues in the past where solicitors pick up issues with lack of paperwork for various works done on the house. For my work is this what I need? Done a quick Google and found this list.
  1. Signed BS7671 Electrical Safety Certificate
  2. Building Regulations Compliance Certificate
  3. Building Control Completion Certificate
BS7671 is that also known as a Part P? I assume the third is provided by the building regs team from the council. What is the 2nd? And am I missing anything.
Thanks guys. No boiler install here. I'm going to get the council to check the RSJ install and because I'm converting a window to a patio door they will check that - the builder isn't fensa approved. There will a fair bit of electrical work. New lights, sockets and possibly a new circuit as my double oven and induction hob may need it.
Thanks guys. Adam sorry most of that went over my head. I’m having new lighting, more sockets and because of the induction hob we need a dedicated circuit. When you say notify do you mean we need to notify the council?

Sam we’ve had a structural surveyor do the calcs and our Builder will be following those. I’ll be submitting the calcs to the council before work begins.
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