Parallels / Networking question

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa / Oxford
Currently I have my network settings set up in OSX and Bootcamp XP to access the work network (printers and shared drives). I have a static IP that was issued to me.

However what I want to do, is use Parallels, and still have the ability to access the network drives etc.. However I think the bridged networking etc. in Parallels is stopping me from doing this.

Is there anyway to set up Parallels so that I can appear on the network with that IP? I guess it might conflict with the OSX IP that is also effectively connected at the same time.
Use the 'Shared Networking' option. I believe this should do the trick.

Problem is, in XP Parallels, I do ipconfig and it reads IP 10.*** etc... rather than my required IP of 130.***.

Any more ideas? I can access the web through it, but no network drives etc.. :( I think I need to show those drives my 130.*** addy in order to be allowed to see them.
That is going to be the internal IP, using the shared mode turns your Mac into a sort of router. When the XP machine connects to the network it should show as the 130.*** address. Are there IP restrictions on the shared drives?

You could also just ask your network administrator to add the XP MAC address to the DHCP and assign you another static lease.
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