paranioa help

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9 Aug 2004
hi this is quite a personal subject for me so no jokes, thanks

I suffer from really bad paranioa, and was wondering if anyone else here did.
Is there something that stops you from being paranoid, even for a while?
Is there something I can do to stop it?

it's just I have a girlfriend and I am worried that my paranioa will ruin our relationship.

I havn't told her because of what might happen.
I don't want her to feel she can't do anything.

it's not that what she does makes me paranoid it's just I think she will find someone better and end it with me to be with them.

paranoia has ruined a relationship before between me and a girl and girls have used me and ended it to be with someone else before.

I know no one on this forum would but please don't take the mick.


Gilly said:
Do you trust her? Thats the important thing.

Also, how old are you?

I used to be rather paranoid and rather jealous, because I had very strong moral values but didn't trust other people to mirror that. I think that only came with age.

I do trust her, but she said she would stop smoking (because I have bad lungs and was sick once when she smoked) but then she smoked like twice after, but she told me she had, so I trust her.

im 17.

I did get picked on for years and years at school so maybe that is part of the reason why I am?
vonhelmet said:
See a doctor if you think it's bad enough to start threatening relationships.

I don't have enough money to see a doctor.
I am 17 and in a part time job.
all my money would be gone if i saw a doctor.
and I need money to buy food + clothing.
but I really don't want the relationship to end
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