Meh. Parasite best film after decades of decent foreign films barely being in contention? Nah, don't agree with that. It's a good film, but Oscar BP? No.
Not when we've had The Lives of Others, City of God, Downfall and Incendies to name a few.
My point being that any other year those films SHOULD have been in contention for BP but weren't. Yet for some reason, Parasite was. It's not exactly a weak year looking at the nominations, not to mention the ones not nominated.
It just seems weird that it's come out of nowhere in terms of awards.
I'm all for foreign films being in contention as long as they are good films (which Parasite is), it's just that historically it feels unfair on those other really top class films that won't get the recognition this one will.
Meh, maybe it will be become a gateway film to foreign cinema for many people. It was La Haine for me..
Meh. Parasite best film after decades of decent foreign films barely being in contention? Nah, don't agree with that. It's a good film, but Oscar BP? No.
Not when we've had The Lives of Others, City of God, Downfall and Incendies to name a few.
Parasite is an excellent film I just hope it won on merit and this wasn't a cynical diversity move. In-fact hopefully more great films from around the world will make it into the awards and we can stop all of this "diversity" moaning.
Foreign films tend to be unapologetic in their focus of their own culture and story and less on being "woke". I mean nobody would complain that Parasite didn't have a diverse enough cast, hopefully everyone can just get back to focusing on making the the film they want to make.