Parents (and anyone else with an opinion) - MMR: individually or not?

Ok, I'm off to bed soon, but thanks for the apology, CBS.
I have studied all the facts, because I'm a GP. (And it was a "hot topic" round about the time I was sitting the mrcgp, and still is I'm sure.) I am sure some would say being a practitioner of conventional medicine makes me biased. All I can say is I have evaluated the evidence, and I think the result is clear.
Anyway, off now.
cleanbluesky said:
I didn't realise that research has an expiration date...

You're not serious? Of course it does! They used to be fairly convinced the world was flat.

cleanbluesky said:
So far this has been the only post in this thread that has disappointed me, if only because you used sarcasm without addressing any issue - which is not what I expected of you, you are usually so concise.

How very patronising. RichL, be sure to consider whether all your posts will meet with the CBS Seal Of Approval before posting in future, 'kay?
cleanbluesky said:
Do they? Is there any reason to think this, such as someone actually doing it, or did it sound just like something you could say?

EDIT: Vent apparently heard something like this in a supermarket queue... forgive me if I dont think its representative

I haven't heard anyone here put forth the opinion that a child shouldn't have ANY jabs, and the only hysteria I have seen in this thread is against anyone who would dare question Current Medical Concensus (according to forum posters) that MMR is safe as safe.

Yes 3 individual jabs are available, but for many reasons all 3 are not given to the child - think statistically over the whole population. Most of us aren't stupid enough to miss giving a kid a jab, but what about stupid people who "forget" one appointment, or "couldn't be bothered" to go - "he has two jabs, that'll be enough!".

The simple evidence is that when 3 individual jabs are given there are a high number of children who do not receive all three. I remember reading recently that there was a mumps outbreak at a London nursery not long ago - MUMPS? In the 21st Century? THank you very much "educated mothers" you have spat in the face of modern Science and kicked us back 50 years.

Morons. When I have kids I wouldn't hesitate to have them get MMR - there is absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be given and unless statistically significant scientific evidence comes foward to contest it's safety then "educated mothers" can go **** themselves...
People are simple beings - they like things to be solid, reliable - things to rely on. A mental crutch if you will.

For most of our development religion provided this crutch - in recent years though science seems to be taking over in much of the west.

Hence the reason why people look to science as being solid dependable and 100% fact - well sorry guys but it never has been and never will be, scientists are not gods, they don't know everything and can get things wrong.

If you want that mental crutch I think your better off going to church again.
Autism tends to run in families and neither my family or my ex's families had any history of autism so that wasnt an issue for us in deciding about vaccinations. Myself and my ex were carers for adults with autism, and as the time for the mmr came around, she wasnt displaying any signs of autistic traits.

And also, I knew a young child who is only about a year older than Megan who has been diagnosed as autistic. I used to babysit him, and looking back now the signs were obvious. He had the mmr, and his parents do not think that it caused any problems that werent already starting.

We were happy for her to have the mmr jab, but if we could've afforded the single jabs and afforded to get to the clinic 100 miles away to get them done then we would've. The only issue we had was our child having as few of the unnescessary ingredients put into her body as possible, but the price for the single jabs would've been in the hundreds which just wasnt possible. We'd rather she was protected so went ahead with the mmr.

I have been very lucky in that all of the health visitors I have had have respected my knowledge and opinions. My ex pointed out that the first few vaccinations our newborn would have would be filled with preservatives, and we didnt like the idea of filling our tiny baby with stuff that she didnt need.

So, she had the seperate jabs instead of the usual bundles of them within the first few months. The health visitor suggested having the nursery age booster shots which would be just as effective as the bundles. It meant she had more injections, but it also meant that we were filling her body with as close to the only important stuff as possible.
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