Parents - How old were you when your first child was born?

30 Dec 2003

A question for the parents on here, as title - How old were you when your first child was born?

It'd be great if you could also include details such as location (north vs south) and perhaps the age of your partner at that time, too. With the benefit of hindsight was this the correct age or would you recommend others have their first child earlier or later?

I have been with my partner for nine and a half years - We're engaged. Lately we've began discussing our expectations at what age we think we should consider children. This is something we both want, it is just a matter of when. As a baseline, if my partner and I decided to try for a child immediately we'd both be 28 at birth. On the face of it this seemed reasonable but having read around a little it seems the average age a couple have their first child has risen to 30 and that there is a significant difference between couples in the north (who tend to have children earlier) than those in the south. I'm originally from the midlands (currently living in the south) so I'm not sure where that leaves me!

I understand the 'right time' is different for everybody but I'd like to hear from others - This is simply something I'm idling playing out in my mind at the moment and thought it would be interesting to get other opinions.

Mods, would it be possible to make a poll?

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