Paris Champs Elysees - Car hits police van and bursts into flames


What utter stupid rubbish coming from you as usual, thousands of kids go to Paris and London without any incident.

Or are you somehow living in a warped alternate universe where kids are being attackrd every single day in both cities??

Geezus go out and get some air, remove that tin foil from your head. It seems to be frying what is left of your brain.

You spelt our lords name incorrectly :p

And when I say 'our' I mean he's yours as well.
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To reduce the risk of being run over, you teach kids the Green Cross Code. To reduce the risk of them being killed by a jihadi loser, you don't take them to Paris or London. Sad but when we have a government that won't fight back, what choice do we have?
I work in London and travel in almost every day. I don't give it a second thought. But if my children's schools arranged a trip to either London or Paris now then I'd not agree to them going.
I work in London and travel in almost every day. I don't give it a second thought. But if my children's schools arranged a trip to either London or Paris now then I'd not agree to them going.

Thing you can be sure of, if people and businesses started moving and staying away from London, then our government would start to act.
Honestly I'm not sure which is worse, knowing and not stopping or not knowing at all.

A guy on the news was just talking about the French 'FS watchlist' he was on, and it sounds like how I think watch lists work, in that it's a very wide dragnet that anyone is on because their name has been passed on by local police for whatever reason. You can then see why they would only be actively investigating someone whose name pops up regularly, given the resources surveillance takes compared to the amount of people on the list.
A guy on the news was just talking about the French 'FS watchlist' he was on, and it sounds like how I think watch lists work, in that it's a very wide dragnet that anyone is on because their name has been passed on by local police for whatever reason. You can then see why they would only be actively investigating someone whose name pops up regularly, given the resources surveillance takes compared to the amount of people on the list.
I should clarify I am not trying to criticise the intelligence services by my previous comment. With the numbers thrown around of how many people are on such watch lists I'm impressed with their funding they manage to keep track of as many as they do. Sadly we wouldn't normally hear of their successes.

Sadly governments seem intent on blaming factors outside their control for the failings that are well within their control.
Hah, I was just typing exactly the same thing and got sidelined by looking up the 72 virgins story....and came across this

In it is the answer to why there are no (or few) female terrorists...


Also, these virgins are described as 27.5 meters tall and 3.2 meters wide! Woah....that's a bit big for my tastes....

I'm not sure who these men are who want to be outnumbered by women 72 to 1. Whenever there's a lone male amongst me and my other girl friends, they usually end up looking pretty uncomfortable once the subject turns to sex or anything "female".
Honestly I'm not sure which is worse, knowing and not stopping or not knowing at all.

That's the million pound question,

Should we be taking these people of the playing field and in doing so ignore their Human rights or do we sit on the information and then go "Ooh look, we knew he was a threat but didn't want to offend the weak wristed Liberals"?

If it was me in charge anyone who ticks the right boxes would be made unable to carry out whatever part they're likely to play in the attrocities, Anyone who leaves the country to go fight for what we see as terrorist organisations don't get back in.

We see video's of people waving hate banners at protests, If they're immigrants we should round them up and immediately deport them.
We see video's of Muslim speakers in the UK teaching hate towards us in mosques and schools, Round them up and kick them out.

Yes it doesn't sit right but we need to get a handle on the situation before it spiral's out of control and moves from random attacks to rioting and then to civil war on our streets.
Was an epic fail but not quite in the league of the Glasgow airport terrorists.

Driving an explosive packed jeep into airport bollards, blowing the jeep up, setting yourself on fire and then getting kicked in the knackers by a Glaswegian baggage handler on a smoke break, takes some beating.
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