Parking nearish to Stansted

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben
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18 Oct 2002
Picking my Girlfriend up from Stansted tomorrow afternoon (coming up from Kent).
Is there anywhere 10-15 minutes away that I can park at for free, e.g. a supermarket, and wait for her to SMS me after she gets off the plane. So I'm not hanging around paying for rather expensive parking?


Don't be a cheapskate, spend a few quid on parking and meet your lass at the gate to carry her bags etc to the car rather than sitting in the car up the road. :p
GSXRMovistar said:
Don't be a cheapskate, spend a few quid on parking and meet your lass at the gate to carry her bags etc to the car rather than sitting in the car up the road. :p

lol, I plan to, but as I know from picking her up from Heathrow last time, her plane was delayed by about 20 mins, but I have a friend who lived about 20 minutes away so stayed at his until the plane landed, left and got there a few minutes before she came out of baggage claim... perfect timing :D
Got Google Earth? its very detailed in that area, my boyfriend works at Stansted, would text him for you but he's on night shift.
A couple of my friends who work there also suggest the service station at the M11 just before the turn off.

Although I do agree with the comments above, dont be a cheap skate lol...go and park up...if she is delayed...used that time to go get her some flowers, and suck up the expensive fees lol!
regulus said:
i parked there 3 days ago. Cost me £1.50 for the hour. You can afford that

If it is £1.50 for an hour then that's fair enough, however I can't find anything to back that up, and according to the official stansted site if you go over an hour then it is £5.20.

Thanks all for the suggestions though. :)
a fiver to pick your girlfriend up from the airport??

Im assuming she paid for her flights though? Cause I mean anything over a fiver in flights would possibly be a tad expensive? Ryanair has some good bargins this time of year though....

Dread to think where youll be taking her for dinner lol...
Ben said:
If it is £1.50 for an hour then that's fair enough, however I can't find anything to back that up, and according to the official stansted site if you go over an hour then it is £5.20.

Thanks all for the suggestions though. :)

I parked in the Orange car park in row K i believe. Trust me mate, it's 1.50
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