partners brother has registered his car to our address

Is it all addressed to him or to you/your partner?

Speak to the DVLA on Monday and they should be able to 'unregister' the vehicle from your address if you tell them it's nothing to do with you. Probably easiest to just tell them it's not your car and the person isn't known to you, if you start telling them it's partner's brother's dog's sister etc. it'll just complicate it.
If he's insured it at your address that's fraud I think. So he's either not insured of commited fraud. I'd suspect the first one.
Well, his insurance probably won’t be valid either if he’s said it’s parked on the drive / outside the home of “his” address too.
You have option a) ask him to give you an address to register the car at then send it off. If he fails to comply with option a) then option b) would be to ring up but I wouldn't tell the DVLA that you know him. Just say you have been sent a V5 and no one of that name lives at this address then either way the problem is gone.
yup found out this too as he said it was cheaper

If he's insured it at your address that's fraud I think. So he's either not insured of commited fraud. I'd suspect the first one.

It's insurance fraud and if caught he'll be in the deep stuff.

Report it or you might cop for charges too.

Certainly gonna have implications on your credit score once the fines amount to a CCJ
These kind of people always have the 'fry and stop me' mentality, so good luck getting him to change it.
Damn I love bacon. I reckon if I waved some of my bacon (not a euphemism) at you from my front door it would stop you! It's some smoked streaky fancy stuff where it's six slices for too much money. I'll get started now. Let me know when you're near. :D
Credit is tied to individuals not addresses I thought?
The address you live at impacts your credit score. They use it to see who else lives there hence it being good for credit to change your address (in terms of accuracy), and make sure any cohabiting partners do too.
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