passed my prmc :D

as long as you did it in less than 10min 45s your ok (think thats the time) however anything over even 1sec and you will have to redo as its a requirement of the course you get 3 attempts at it, my running is suffering abit atm got a swolen tendon in my foot and blisters from a long walk in my boots :/ , about to try a short run now see how it goes. gym fitness is going fantastic though doing the greenbook +15 reps on each +5 pullups with no rest inbetween sets (sometimes do 4 sets too) 5 times a week now, runs were 40-45min for 7mile will have to redo times next week. back in 30mins see how my foot holds up.

keep going at it manlove youl do it if you put the effort in and if you realy want it.

OCdt Stringy said:
Like I said on msn, just tell the AFCO that your leg was feeling a bit 'off' from a run a couple of days before :)

I'm currently waiting to see if I'm being taken on by the RAF for Initial Officer Training, I find out in April :eek:

hows it getting on mate?

anyone else got updates on their forces careers?

i go in 2 weeks time for my 32weeks just easing off the phys to try put abit weight on
Lt. Manlove said:
PRMC booked for September :p

exerlent, time to turn up the phys as much as you can now mate gonna need every ounce of it, just remember if others can do it so can you, youll be hanging out but just dig out blind and you'l be fine keep yourself switched on and get into a routine and keep this in your mind

pain is a weakness leaving the body

keep your pride and dont give up, give 110% and you will pass
enjoy the 3 day mate i did, would do it again tomorrow if i could its a nice work out.
have a 4day phys free break before you go down drink LOTs of water just think crap dazza naily died from not drinking enough best drink some more (untill your pee is clear) and eat like a hog down their unless told otherwise stay away from the fried bread it makes you feel sickly but the other food is nice get plenty potatos chicken rice ect basic high carb stuff and protine(sp?) so your not acheing as much and calaries on the morning nice full english :D

if you have anything to ask fire away i done it already so should be able to answer most stuff, i will be here untill next friday then i go down

at the end of week 7 now just finished ex marshal star wasnt too bad mainly a night nav ex but we got bumped in the eairly hours of the morn 10min to get ready pack your kit and run 500m with a burgan up a hill lol got put on the flank once for abit of rust on my mag springs bummer we got hammerd for that all going realy well been highlighted for section commander for week 15 already as long as i keep digging out blind my corpral told me. got a battle swimming test tomorrow should be cake my next ex will be hunters moon wich is purely a nav ex supposed to be one of the worst ex's started with a troop of 57 originals now down to 37 originals + 10 backtroopers nexst leave is week 10 right after hunters moon thats for the weekend. will pop back in let you know how things are when i get chance
their are 32 weeks in total for basic training

hehe yea every fiz sesh you naily die but thats the only way to improve

gonna have a nice sleep tomorrow after the working day has finished had very little sleep this week maybe around 8 hours total sleep just chilling in the internet cafe on camp atm nice to get a sit down and not worry about doing your admin untill monday but so far i am loving it these 7 weeks seem like that have totaly flew by i hope the rest follow as fast
Nix said:
What happens when you complete basic? Will you be on tour or something?

90% sure i wil be shipped off to iraq for 6month

ohh yea firgot to mention anyone one read the newspapers about the marines and the bean juice incident? that was in the same block as me just the rooms above was nothing like what the papers said lol
its had its ups and downs easy and hard times i have enjoyed most of it so far few things i hated were

mud run in the estury(sp?) mega hard mud to your knees and you godda run and crawl through it much pain involved lol

firemans carry camp cuircuit was not to bad hurt abit

lampost camp cuircuit hurt a lot seen as though the guys in front of me bar the lead man wernt carrying it properly on the shoulder

flanking on marshal star was a hangout hill spints with big water cans ppl on your back ect

looking forward to weeks 11 and 12 when we spend 2 weeks on the range shooting the crap out of things
hello lads,

i got 3 weeks off for summer leave wohooo

upto week 17 now things are going ok started phase 2 training now so i am classed as a basic soldier now, pay raise and i wear my green belt around camp apposed to core pattern.

i got the marksmanship badge from the 2 weeks on the range for getting a high score doing the apwt "annual personel weapons test" got hundreds of rounds down with the sa80 was great fun second week of the range packet was lsw doing another apwta with it only missed 3 rounds out of 60 doing an auto shoot with it awsome bit of kit the lsw.

from the ranges we had a week on camp doing bottom field aquant with is the assault course and man phys, grenade throwing wich was awsome and helicopter dunker drills wich was totaly awsome, inside a replica helo getting put under water and span around then escaping in day, low light and pure darkness. few people flapped and paniced lol ohh yea we got gassed in the chamber too with cs tablets blow all the air out your lungs take your resperator off take a breath of gas then say your name and number i got to p0647 then caughed my guts up and naily crapped myself i was caughing that hard and it felt like i just had acid poured into my eyes and my face was on fire lol not nice

after that we did ex running man wich was a practise run for baptist run it was a 3 day ex focused on navagation, we yomped for 3 days solid with day sacks/webbing (51lb+weapon) then on extraction we wernt fast enough so we had to carry jerry cans full of water for 2 mile was a hang out then yomp 8 mile back to camp with atleast 79lb in our burgans most of us way over i had 90lb :/ that hurt a lot.

baptist run was next this is a test of everythign we had learnt to pass us out of phase one its a 24hr ex starts with a 4 mile speed march with 21lb+ weapon then a kit muster in the drill shed, then we transported to the common did a few stances on things we lernt ( map reading, stalking, obsavation, fire control orders, obsavation orders ) then a night we got through in the pond and then setup our harbor and got a sentury running and tested on our wet and dry routine wich is getting out of your wet kit into dry kit and into your bag keeping minimal stuff out of your burgan then our dry-wet routine wich is the opposite and totaly horrible to do sentury after that we packed the stores up and did the 8 mile yomp back to camp again. when we got back to camp we did an nbc test as part of the test wich was decontamination, canister changes and administering anti nerve injections to yourself all done in the chamber full of cs how nice, anyone feeling the affects of cs yes me corpral "ahh well youve been seen off crack on".
next morning we had another kit inspection to test our deservicing and that was it over our troop got the best overall pass mark for 13 troops and got a nice chuck up from the commanding officer.

week 16 was a week of bottom field doing bpt (battle physical training) 2 hours monday 1 hour tuesday 2hours wed and 1 hour fri it the same as usual bottom field but a lot harder, few more cheeky 200m firemans carrys twice around the assault course with rope climbs inbetween running, up and down beasty nole ( a short but steep bank) then regains over the tank of water

and then we broke up on friday afternoon i will be going back into week 17 straight on ex first base doing a 5mile speed march to start it off then into a helo to the drop off point, we will be doing tactical harbour routines and section attacks mostly on this ex.

how is everyone else doing?

how did your pre prmc course go manlove?


ps i will try get some phots up, sry for any typo's too
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erm it was all well at the start but because we are living is such close proximity you tend to flash at people for the least bit thing it but i am sure after leave it will be back to the start all fresh and happy. for me in the marines the first 4 weeks are rubbish and its all admin and a lot of things to take in for us now hopefully figers crossed we wont be doing admin in the field no longer this means no kit musters every morning hopefully unless somone jacks on us and doesnt bother to wash himself/ his weapon
sorry for the delay i am on slowdem now

here is one picture, PTI just arrived ready for some field phys

more to come
well i just baught a pair of magnum boots today for £50 and they are 1000000x more better compaired to pussers issued, issued are a mare to break in and even broken in they are poop. i dunno about anyother forces but you have no choice in the boots you where in basic training unless you have a lower limb injury then you can get some lowers issued.

lol most of them probly arnt listening cos we were hanging out already because most of us failed morning inspection and got flanked making our eyeballs bleed before we even got to the pti lol
yea the lsw may be getting phased out for the minime light machinegun (one the yanks use) but i doubt it will totaly go out of service as its a hoofing bit of kit, yea the sa80 now is damn good we batter them all over and i have only ever had one stoppage h&k bigest change was the cocking handle they made it so it deflects ejected rounds as that was the biggest downfall of the a1 they got caught in the round handle, a few other changes to such as working parts and magazine housing i think

our old troop boss was taking the phots, he is no longer with us though, he left to lead 924 troop that is on getting filmed for a documentry airing next year :(
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Andr3w said:
you have abit of flab hanging over your belt :p

i blame the scran, dont worry you will taste it soon enough lol

its cos my webbing belt is abit tight i just redone the tension straps around it

ohh yea the troop is down to 29 originals from 57 inc backtroopers we have 38-39
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yea i am gonna be doing a lot of load carrys and runing swimming ect to keep myself fit otherwise i would just get backtrooped to get my fitness back up. overall i spent about a year training starting at 17.5stone finishing at 12.5stone now i am 13stone ish

heh you should see how messy it is when we are deservicing our kit from the field we call them admin cluster ****** because a cluster bomb of admin just went off
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