Since 1997 up until recently, i've been able to remember and maintain a wide variety of passwords without any need for a manager online.
Now, not sure if it's older age (only 41 but still) or just the general increase of sites i'm using with passwords, memorable words, etc but i'm losing track a little bit and don't want to resort to generic passwords with slight variations.
Need a manager that will work across PC, tablet and phone...both android.
I did try lastpass about 2 years ago but there was considerable lag on PC so got rid of it after a few days, might have just been specific to my system though.
I'm not averse to paying for a decent manager either...speed is totally key for me, needs to be as seemless as possible.
Recommendations please
Now, not sure if it's older age (only 41 but still) or just the general increase of sites i'm using with passwords, memorable words, etc but i'm losing track a little bit and don't want to resort to generic passwords with slight variations.
Need a manager that will work across PC, tablet and phone...both android.
I did try lastpass about 2 years ago but there was considerable lag on PC so got rid of it after a few days, might have just been specific to my system though.
I'm not averse to paying for a decent manager either...speed is totally key for me, needs to be as seemless as possible.
Recommendations please