password wiressless net

12 Oct 2005
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i would like to password my wireless internet as people can get on it and when they do its not worth me trying to use my pc it slows the net down so much i am useing a belkin router do you know how i can password it so online my pc can pick it up??
Go to your router settings page, usually something like but it will say in your outer manual. Load this page in your web browser using a computer that is connected by a wire to the router preferably and then go to wireless settings or security settings, whatever it is called on your router. Then choose wireless encryption WPA if your router and wireless card support it, if not choose WEP 128 and create the keys using a passphrase. When you have done this you will have to enter the key or passphrase once on your wireless laptops/desktops. You should then enable MAC listing which you should be able to find in your manual. This means that only the computers whose MAC address you put onto the list can access your wireless network. You should be able to find your MAC address out by typing ipconfig run box. When you have done this tick the box which says disable SSID broadcast, this will stop people seeing your wireless network.
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