Passwording a Word Doc file?

When you do file > save as - look in the top right of the window for a button marked "tools", choose general options from the tools menu and there is a password to modify and a password to open.

Make sure you dont forget the password though, they can be a pain to crack.,
Is it passworded to open or passworded to modify? (ie protected)

If the latter then if I can remember when I am at work in the morning I have a excel addon that is for office2k that simply removes the password for you.
Even with the right tools it can be a pain to crack, stripping the password is easier but if you want to recover the password you usually have to resort to brute force attacks. With my P4 2.4GHz, to crack a password of 6 characters long would take about 12 days.

(Average passwords a second = 125,000)

Possible characters 72 (including capitals, spaces and symbols)

72^6= 139314069504

139314069504/(125000x60x60x24)=12.89945088 days

Over a week without any spare CPU time, that's quite a pain if you ask me.
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