Path through the forum, and why

There's too much in "New Posts" for me so I just trawl -

OCUK - New Products
Hardware - CPU
Hardware - GPU
GD - General
GD - Cars
GD - Movies/TV/Music

and I only look at the first page of each section. I rarely use the many other topic areas, usually only if I have a question or need info/reviews on a product.
Over time: Something dull about hardware > tri sli crysis benchmarking > GD > speaker's corner > very definitely back to GD (peppered with a bit of sports, crypto, music and box office)

Everyday use GD and sports
Straight to GD with popcorn!

Yes, but GD is not as fun or interesting as it used to be, not by a long shot. It really was very highly entertaining in the 2000s, but now it's rare that anything of interest comes along - most things have been done. Really it relies on newer users to relate some anecdote or ask for some advice which ends up in an unexpected way, but older users who try to create 'epic threads' tend to fail.
I've developed a weird fascination with the Graphics Card forum. I first had a look a few weeks ago to see what the thoughts on the new Nvidia cards were and ... I was not emotionally ready. It is awful and not in the so bad, it's good kind of way. The posters are like crack-piped toddlers struggling with concepts like, I don't know, rational thought, communication skills, comprehension and parsing abilities, not being an utter **** - those types of things. Imagine if you will GD but GD where everyone is terrible (I know, I know, we're almost there) and every single thing that is is typed in this future-GD hellscape makes you wince and cry and hate yourself and all of these people.

That is the Graphics Card forum and I love it.

I also rock a 'GD > Speakers Corner > PC Games > Motors' rotation in descending orders of frequency. I'm far less interested in any of the topics than I am in the people who post in the threads. That's where the real nuggets of gold are.
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