Pathetic work situation

2 Jan 2004
Hi all

Can't even believe i'm typing this because it's like being back at school, but here is the scenario.

Every Friday at work is dress down day.

Mon-thurs we all wear smart shirts/trousers/shoes. There is a bloke here that wears Polo shirts instead, because boss lady has said it is OK (as long as it isn't pink, as she she thinks that looks more untidy than black).

Anyway, she has complained to him that he looks scruffy in the polos and now wants him to wear shirts again. He is being stubborn and saying he can't afford it as he's taken a pay cut recently as lots of us have. He's told me that he's just doing this because he's annoyed about the pay cut, won't buy a shirt but he'll spend £600 on new alloys for his car no problem!

Today my boss said that we have visitors and to dress up tomorrow instead of the usual. She then changed her mind and said don't worry, change of plans and dress down as normal (keeping up with this?!)

But we've been told we can't tell the polo shirt bloke. Apparently she is making a point about his scruffiness and wants us all to dress down in jeans, and for him to come in smart.

I'd probably consider him a mate outside of work. Now my question is, do I keep quiet and look like a **** to him tomorrow for not letting him know, or tell him and risk getting found out? He'll probably walk out once he realises as he's a man on the edge as it is lately!

I really can't believe how childish my place is. If nothing else I thought it might make some of you feel better about your work places :p
19 Feb 2010
Tell him about it... then he can say that he had a lapse of concentration and thought it was dress down Friday (things have been stressful lately etc etc) :)
30 Jun 2007
get him to file a complaint about the boss, I'm pretty sure something like this would be covered by bullying regulations etc.
Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
That's not really making a point by your boss, that's just being a bit of a tool. If she wants him to dress up smart then say so and discipline him if he doesn't follow the dress code. Your mate sounds like he's being a bit petty too.

In fact I'd be tempted to keep as far out of it as possible - I'm not convinced that either party is in the right here.
11 Feb 2010
dont tell him as you said hes willing to fork out 600 quid for some alloys but not a few pounds for some cheap shirts?

the whole scenario is just a matter of weak management, tell your boss to start cracking the whip and earn their pay band... like you said its like being back at school
5 Sep 2005
Northern Ireland
Would it be so hard to just dress smart for a 5 day week? Dress down day is retarded.

Anyway, why did she let him slack in the first place in regards to clothing and appearance? Shouldn't have one rule for one person and not the same for the rest.

Your boss sucks, she created this situation and is now trying to discipline him in a stupid way. Oh ha bloodly ha, he turned up looking all smart when everyone else was wearing jeans, how amusing! That'll definately teach him! Childish. She needs to go on a management course.

And your scruffy oik mate should just buy a few shirts ffs. They're not expensive and if everyone else has to wear them so should he. Lazy bugger. He's not special.

I'd probably consider him a mate outside of work. Now my question is, do I keep quiet and look like a **** to him tomorrow for not letting him know, or tell him and risk getting found out? He'll probably walk out once he realises as he's a man on the edge as it is lately!

He'll walk out of a job over having to wear a shirt? About as childish as your boss.
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26 Dec 2005
I'd tell him but also tell him to stop being a tool and buy a few shirts. There are loads of sales on at the moment, so there's not really any excuse.
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