Pathfinder: Kingmaker

28 Jun 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
I backed it at Kickstarter stage and it was released yesterday. I only managed to get an hour under my belt but I'm very pleased that I did - and impressed with it so far. It had the feel of Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights, with updated graphics and, obviously, very much Pathfinder based - so no shortage of spells, classes, races, etc...

Anyone else got this yet?
anyone else finding it pretty brutal? im playing on normal and the miss rate and damage taken is pretty nutty
Totally. I think I'm going to push a lot more towards things like Bless, and the various little buffs characters have. When you're running the entire group, you tend to just forget about the stuff that you might do at the table.

Just don't get me started on spider swarms! I'm not going back to that damn cave until I have fireball! And as for Tuskgutter..... !!!

That's like early level baldur gate back in the day. Miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss... FOR **** ARE YOU RETARDED HES STANDING RIGHT IN FROMT OF YOU GOD SAKE.... miss, miss, miss, miss *begins crying I'm frustration*
You need anger management :D
I have crashed a couple times, but otherwise not encountered any massive bugs.

Game-wise, I'm still really enjoying it. I'm only level 5, and busy with both running my barony and adventuring in my frontiers and beyond. Running into Large Earth Elementals was a lesson for me. The lesson being, don't go back over that side of the woods for many levels! I DM'd Kingmaker a few years back, and this is a really fun conversion and I can see things I remember from running it (we only did 1.5 books worth, out of 6). I'm looking forward to getting home for some more!

Good to see another fan of the PF2 Playtest on the boards :D
Am guessing that the more encumbered you are, the quicker you become fatigued? Am finding it quite annoying.

I seem to have 2 Amiris in my party on the selection screen but only 1 appears. Sometimes she disappears completely.
Got some merchant issues too when I trade. Doesn't transfer until I click sell.

Despite this, I'm enjoying it. Level 5 Rogue at the moment with some decent items.
Hover over the encumbrance bar below the shared stash for a breakdown of the encumbrance penalty. With lower encumbrance you move a lot faster too.
You can list things by weight - makes a big difference. Beware rations, there must be an issue because they weigh 10lb each!

I also have 2 Amiris in the list, but fortunately only one headstrong lunatic in my group :)
I finally made it through Season of Bloom and the game crashed leaving the Shrine. Had to repeat the final three fights which were a nightmare!

Now waiting for Chapter 3 to start, or is it 4? I dunno. Either way, we're moments from level 10 and the characters feel plenty strong already. Steamrollered the Lonely Warrior who ruined me at 6th level!
There is also a nice top hat if you can find it...
I've not seen a top hat anywhere! That said, I rarely go beyond Medium encumberance now. The sheer number of strength belts means I can carry loads.

Who are people using in their main group?

My character, a Cleric of Erastil (so he's a longbowman) as primary healer - which he's great at!
Valerie (built for AC - up to 33 - she's a real meat shield)
Amiri (built for killing!)
Nok Nok (his sneak damage is insane!)
Linzi (backup heals, Haste and bardic performances - 30-odd a day!)
Octavia (damage spells + sneak attack, and buffs)
That sucks!

I've had a couple of crashes, and one annoying bug which was resolved with a reboot, but nothing game-breaking so far. The fact the devs are still working to fix issues speaks volumes to me. They seem genuinely interested in resolving complaints - so you might want to report it if you haven't already.

I went healer/buffer for my main - didn't want to entrust it to anyone else!
Finally finished the dungeon at the end of Varnhold Vanishing last night. Crikey - that was tough! My first mistake was not having enough rations for a dungeon of that size, because there was a lot of preparatory buffing required to get passed several of the encounters. I did one little thing which made three daemons appear as soon as I clicked something - that went straight to loading an old game - I had no Death Wards left!

I still have loads of Varnhold left to investigate. Does anyone know if there are any downsides to spending a while exploring Varnhold before I move onto the next section (which I've already started, I think!).
My Kingdom was destroyed, and I got miffed so I restarted with a planned Halfling Knife-Fighter/Monk/Fighter who will eventually be a front-line fighter for the group with constant Flurry of Blows, sneak damage and insane armour class even without any armour.

I'm thinking I might replace the rest of the group with manual made characters as the pregenned characters are not as optimised as my min-max heart would like. Then I might push the difficulty up a little just to see if I know Pathfinder as well as I think I do! I just need the money to replace them as I'm only level 2 :D
Just a big BIG warning about that................ The ending, I can't say any more than that without spoiling but I would definitely advise taking manual control of all pre-gens character development and try to create multiple synergies across various group members and use them all so you can adapt to them in the party, don't neglect remove/curative/restore spells ;)
I learned some valuable lessons about rations, and remove/restore/buffs during my travels through the undead cyclops dungeon. Never again will they be neglected! I also manually level everyone in my group - I don't trust the system.

Are you suggesting that I avoid using my own characters right at the end?
I restarted about two weeks ago, and I'm still enjoying it, even though I've still not caught up to where I was before.

I've decided to be a little bit more ruthless with my builds though, and got some multi-classing going. Let's just say that adding a little bit of rogue, alchemist and fighter to Amiri, whilst giving the melee classes some complimentary feats like Outflank and some others has meant I've actually had to turn the difficulty up. Communal Delay Poison, Good Hope, Group Enlarge Person and Stoneskin have made my group practically untouchable (with Death Ward and Energy Protection in the background), with an additional Haste for anything particularly tough.
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