Pay for iPlayer

id stop using it

i already pay the BBC for tv that i very very rarely watch

4OD is miles better anyway. the back catalogue they have is far superior. its awesome infact
On the few occasions I've finished work on a Sunday night at 2200 then tried to use I Player to watch Top Gear I constantly got some message about " insufficient bandwidth - please try later"

And they seriously want me to pay for this service - they're having a laugh. It's quicker for me to download the program illegally from the net than wait on I Player!

And what had that got to do with the BBC. Its your ISP at fault. Also read the damn article, the BBC dont want you to pay, the commercial sector suggested it.
If they ever did introduce such a service i would never watch anything you have to pay for, and so would most people i feel, people don't like paying for things.
So will someone eventually try and make you pay a fee when you record a program onto your video/dvd/hdd recorder?

As others have said, I pay my licence fee and if the BBC then want to start charging for iPlayer, then the fee should go or it should be tied to our individual licence fee's and those who have them don't have to pay.

Sod it, the licence fee should be scrapped anyway and maybe this'll be the start of the process. Or an option of opting out of the licence fee and not being able to get any BBC cheannels. With the move to digital this should be a simple process. I watch sod all on BBC anyway most of the time. The few programs I do watch it would work out cheaper for me to pay iPlayer than to pay the yearly licence.
PPV is not the delivery model for future mass market TV. Time and time again in the TV, broadband, and other entertainment markets, consumers have shown that they want to pay a fixed fee for unlimited usage.

I agree entirely, I never said PPV was the way forward I merely said that at some point all these catch up services will have some sort of subsciber model, either by iPlayer tying into your license or extra charges. Personally I think iPlayer should be tied into your TV license therefore restricting the content to the people who have funded it. ITV and C4 are desperate for money so will be looking at any charging method possible to recoup there losses.
1. I will NEVER pay for iPlayer. I pay a license fee.
2. I want NO money to go to the ISP's. That's what their monthly subscription fee is for.
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