Just picked this up on the sales. 29GB in size?!

Edit: Ignore. Steam is derping it seems. Downloading it now and its 6.7gb.
It probably is 29GB in total size once it takes into account all the Source engine resources it requires and shares with other games!

I just bought it too, downloading at a measly 260KB/s though :(
I got this in the sale for a laugh, ended up playing it for 7 hours! Met some random blokes and ended up hopping on skype with them for the majority. Made a big difference to be able to coordinate quickly. Would be well up for playing some games with you lot and you are welcome to use my mumble server for voice comms
I got this in the sale for a laugh, ended up playing it for 7 hours! Met some random blokes and ended up hopping on skype with them for the majority. Made a big difference to be able to coordinate quickly. Would be well up for playing some games with you lot and you are welcome to use my mumble server for voice comms

VoIP is sufficient within the game itself. My Steam friends list has grown exponentially over the past few weeks.

I'm currently level 80, with a formidable arsenal and balanced skill set. I've recently completed the new heist on overkill. Roll on death wish! ;)
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Playing this with my mates at present and holy hell is it addictive! :D The mad rush you get when things go pear shaped on a well laid out plan is amazing.

Just last night we were putting a carefully planned stealth attack on a jewellery shop safe into place. We had taken down the security camera controls in the back and had put the thermal drill into action. All we had to do was some crowd control out front in the store once we took out the remaining two guards...until I accidentally hit the PageDown key and saw a grenade drop to my feet thanks to newly purchased dlc I had just bought (I had no idea it auto assigned them to me). The horror on my face as I screamed "nononoooooo!" All hell broke loose as the alarms went off but we managed the job in the chaos :)

We're all low levels under 20 at the moment, learning the maps on hard and doing quite well despite this. Absolutely love the dynamic experience - way more fun than grindy Battlefield levelling.
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I really enjoyed it for a while but I found at a certain point I just reached my limit and from then on I lost interest. I should really go back to it to try the new heists and play with stealth a little more.

That's what happens to me with most multiplayer games. I want to buy this, but I figure it'll just end up buried in a pile of no longer played games within 20 hours.
Playing this with my mates at present and holy hell is it addictive! :D The mad rush you get when things go pear shaped on a well laid out plan is amazing.

I really like this part of it, with some games once you get things down pat they're too predictable and routine, but so far I've still had plenty of moments where everything is going smoothly and then falls apart in the space of a few seconds.

It's a little irritating how some missions require loads of lock picking and drilling at the very start of the game though. I took a deposit box bank raid once. Never again until I get the high-tier lockpicking skills or the saw...
I tried playing last night and got kicked on the airplane hanger map. Had absolutely no idea what was going on or what I was doing but it was quite fun! Will give it another try tonight once I read up a bit more.
Yeah, there is one map that has a small bank vault which has deposit boxes by the dozen and a few feet outside the vault, opposite is a window in which the swat forces have a good line of sight at you. Not to mention that it takes ages opening them.
I tried playing last night and got kicked on the airplane hanger map. Had absolutely no idea what was going on or what I was doing but it was quite fun! Will give it another try tonight once I read up a bit more.

This is also a minor issue, it tells you almost nothing at the start. The first few times we played my friend and I had no idea how to cuff hostages.

A little reading and doing a few of the fixes for input lag make it a good game (so far anyway), but it could do with a little fixing here and there.
Ok, i caved in and brought this today on the way to work (really hate the Steam App. keep buying things)

It seems positive reviews etc from peeps on here, So feel free to add a complete noob etc, Steam id = Mauness
Ok, i caved in and brought this today on the way to work (really hate the Steam App. keep buying things)

It seems positive reviews etc from peeps on here, So feel free to add a complete noob etc, Steam id = Mauness

It's really really fun. Very difficult to start with while you get your bearings, so I recommend going for the jewellery store job first. Much easier, and also good for practicing the basics of stealth on as well. Feel free to add me on Steam (same as on here) although I'm away for a week from tomorrow so won't be on until next weekend.
No one plays as stealth when I join, they all go in as Rambo even those who are highly ranked (50+). I want to do jobs stealthy and perhaps not even use a bullet!
No one plays as stealth when I join, they all go in as Rambo even those who are highly ranked (50+). I want to do jobs stealthy and perhaps not even use a bullet!

I like stealth in games, so when my friends played game I was excited. Until I walked across the glass roof and alerted guards. Oops. ;)
It's a great game, it makes a huge difference to play with friends on voice comms.
Ammo preservation is quite important too, too many people spray bullets wildly. Randoms can be complete idiots.

The only part I dont like is the random weapon mod drops, I'd much rather be able to pick a purchase just the ones I wanted rather than the heaps of crud I seem to get.
I managed to complete the Ukrainian pro job on the Death Wish difficulty, without setting off a single alarm - playing with random people.
I was very happy :D
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