I got this in the sale for a laugh, ended up playing it for 7 hours! Met some random blokes and ended up hopping on skype with them for the majority. Made a big difference to be able to coordinate quickly. Would be well up for playing some games with you lot and you are welcome to use my mumble server for voice comms
I really enjoyed it for a while but I found at a certain point I just reached my limit and from then on I lost interest. I should really go back to it to try the new heists and play with stealth a little more.
Playing this with my mates at present and holy hell is it addictive!The mad rush you get when things go pear shaped on a well laid out plan is amazing.
I tried playing last night and got kicked on the airplane hanger map. Had absolutely no idea what was going on or what I was doing but it was quite fun! Will give it another try tonight once I read up a bit more.
Ok, i caved in and brought this today on the way to work (really hate the Steam App. keep buying things)
It seems positive reviews etc from peeps on here, So feel free to add a complete noob etc, Steam id = Mauness
No one plays as stealth when I join, they all go in as Rambo even those who are highly ranked (50+). I want to do jobs stealthy and perhaps not even use a bullet!
Starting to read through this, might be useful for new players: http://www.gamesradar.com/payday-2-essentials-guide-walkthrough/