Paypal help - sorry, another one!

18 Oct 2002
I have searched on here but my concerns aren't quite the same as the other threads so here goes.

I purchased something from ebay for £350 using paypal and from a credit card. Guy seemed genuine and had good feedback. Initially, the money wasn't "Claimed" by the seller. We mailed each other and he said that he had never verified his account. ABout 2 days later the money was claimed by the seller and he mailed me to say he would post the item immediately.

Since then (15th Sept), I've heard nothing from the seller. I've mailed him 3 times and now have filed a paypal claim. I now have a few worries.

Although the seller says he verified his account, the auction at the time did not have the "Buyer protection" symbol.

I've read that it can take paypal weeks to respond to a claim and that if the seller does not have funds in his paypal account, they won't refund any of my money.

And finally, I had intended to use my credit card protection. However, I've read that if I request a chargeback on my credit card and the card company claim the money back from paypal, paypal will claim the money back from me??? Even though its me out of pocket.

Its the last paragraph I need some help on the most. I've read about sellers sending the goods and then receiving a chargeback request but I haven't read what happens to buyers who genuinely do not receive goods and then request a chargeback from thier card company.

Sorry for the long post. And any help really appreciated.
if you dont get the cash back from paypal - get it back from your credit card. if paypal then claim you owe them money - just ignore them.
I'm only really posting an update purely because I'm evil with this ebayer.

The items have arrived - looks like the threat of a claim (and that I had the guys address ;) ) did the trick.

Before they arrived, early this morning I emailed the last 3 top bidders of the auction to see if the seller had offered them a 2nd chance.

One came back to say he had been offered a 2nd chance even though I'd paid immediately through paypal. Can't beleive the nerve of some people.

First time I've ever left -ve feedback in 3 or 4 years of ebaying. :(
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